Good morning everyone...
I’ve thought long and hard about whether to post a message this morning. I’ve struggled reading people’s positive stories at times when I’ve been down and found others so inspiring at times, so the last thing I want to do is cause any upset to anyone.
This is not a message I ever thought I’d get the opportunity to write and I know how supportive you have been to me over the last few weeks so I had to... I’m sure you know what’s coming.
3 full rounds of ICSI, 5 transfers, 8 blastocysts and we finally did it! BFP at 10dp5dt.
I’m still in disbelief, I genuinely never thought that it would be our turn after all of my complications having had quite severe Ashermans Syndrome following surgery after a natural MMC. I was convinced I was damaged beyond repair, BUT IM PREGNANT.
The BFP is the biggest milestone for us after so many failed rounds, I know now that my body can still do it. No matter the outcome at this point with it being so so early... I have learnt that my body can do it again. 💪🏼 it’s unbelievable.
Petrified doesn’t even come close to how I’m feeling... but lucky and grateful also come in to play to. I’m trying not to panic or worry about what could happen or worry about the cramps I’m still having... but finding it impossible.
Hubby told me that I didn’t need to test again this morning after such a strong positive at 6pm yesterday. But of course I did... 4am this morning, POAS and the line is still there, it’s still strong and dark... but not as strong as yesterday evenings. So now I’m worrying about that and obsessively googling stronger HPT results in the afternoons 🙈
I was throwing up at midnight last night so I’m taking that as a good sign for now!! Have been feeling sick since 3DP5DT. Hopefully clinic will do my beta later today.
Thank you all for any words of encouragement you have given me throughout this... this is the first day of an incredibly loooooong journey where anything can happen, but I’m so happy I can start sharing it with you all here.
Sending lots of baby dust to you all as yours has helped me ❤️ xx