Hi everyone, wondering if anyone has had the same feelings! This morning I am 17dp5dt and got bfp last Thursday. I have been getting cramping off and on throughout the week and last night had really bad stabbing pains in right side. I’ve read that cramping can be normal but I’m really worried about the pain, it almost felt like really bad AF pain. I thought once we got a positive all the worries would go away but I feel like I am so stressed worrying about a miscarriage 😭 Anyone had similar pains and go on to have nothing to worry about?
Stabbing pain on right side 16dp5dt - Fertility Network UK
Stabbing pain on right side 16dp5dt
Hi hunny, I’ve never managed to get to the mystical BFP yet, but from being on this forum for many years this comes up a lot and more often than not it’s nothing to worry about. As long as your not bleeding bright red blood, as difficult as it is try not to worry to much, even at this early stage your body will be doing amazing things down there and the pessaries probably won’t be helping 😘😘😘
Hey thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear you haven’t had a bfp yet 😭 This is our first bfp after 5 years and 3 full cycles of icsi. It’s just so stressful and worrying at every stage. No bleeding yet so fingers crossed all is ok. Must just be body adjusting like you said. Just want to fast forward to scan day. Didn’t think the pains could be as bad as this it’s been awful all day. I wish you all the luck on your journey whatever you are doing 😘
You should get checked out if its very painful but not uncommon, could be your uterus expanding but get checked to be safe x
I’ve got doctors today as pain getting worse, worried it’s an ectopic x
Fingers crossed. Best of luck xx
Thank you doctor thinks I’m ok but to go to hospital of pain gets worse x
Hey, Ive not managed to hold onto a pregnancy yet and it could be nothing (just your uterus stretching etc) however if you are in pain speak to your clinic for some reassurance. Hopefully it has settled down a bit today.xx
Aw I am sorry to hear that 😭 thank you, Doctor thinks it’s my ibs flaring up but if pain gets worse I’ve to go to hospital and get it checked out. Still not put my mind at ease though 🙈 see how it goes over the weekend and take it from there xx