Hi everyone. We had our ivf consult on friday. Before when we have seen specialists theyve always said we have a good chance with ivf, this woman we saw friday only seemed to point out negatives, and they are things we already knew. I told her what suppliments i was taking and she told me to not bother with ubiquinol! Now im 40, to get the best shot at this i need good egg quality as i have a low reserve also.
She scanned me and couldnt find one of my ovaries, though its never been a problem before. She basically said to keep trying naturally, and if we want ivf can start november.
Feeling not so posative since we saw her. She also said it would be less effective as i have a bicornate uterus. Well none of the others said this. Ive been pregnant 3 times. 1 resulted in termination when i was very young which i deeply regret, one daughter now 4, and one very early miscarriage. The rest of the time i was on the pill from the age of 16 to 34, so ive not done too bad!
Any experience or advice would be appreciated, i also have endo and sluggish tubes, though the endo hasnt affected getting pregnant as far as i know.