AMH has increased - I didn’t know tha... - Fertility Network UK

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AMH has increased - I didn’t know that was possible!

Kat_15 profile image
30 Replies

Hi Fellow IVF warriors 💪🌈🍍

We are currently in the process of changing clinics after our NHS funding ran out so we are starting the process again with another clinic privately. I had my AMH retested a week ago and was told it is 11.6 and is in the normal range for my age. I had it first tested in November 2018 and was told it was 5.2.

Is it possible for your AMH to increase? I have been on DHEA for the past month so maybe that has helped?


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Kat_15 profile image
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30 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

I have seen a few ladies on here have increased AMH levels after being on DHEA. All sounding really positive, good luck!!xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks Cinderella. ☺️I was so shocked, I assumed it would have reduced further! How are you? How’s things? xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kat_15

Well it's a great start! I believe in DHEA, our embryos were better after having been on it! I'm doing ok thanks. Next transfer planned for end of October. But scared but need to get on with it, I'm sick of doing nothing!!xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Cinderella5

Wishing you lots of luck and positive vibes for your next cycle. 🍀🤞I know exactly what you mean about all the waiting around, it’s frustrating. I was hoping to start in October but my thyroid has gone AWOL and is now over active so I have to get that sorted before we can start our next round. Hopefully we can start soon. 🤞 xx

Dreamingofbaby profile image

Yay that good to hear Kat. Phew glad all progressing well it sounds. What’s next now? Xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Dreamingofbaby

Hi hon. We have chosen our clinic which is a positive step forward. Unfortunately my thyroid has gone AWOL and is now over active so I am waiting to see an Endocrinologist in a couple of weeks to get that sorted. Hoping to start treatment as soon as possible after that. How are you doing? Xx

Kyell2 profile image

Oh that’s good news that it increased. Mine did the same and went from 29 to 34 despite a 2 year difference.

They said that it can vary but I’ve no idea how it’s even possible. Different private clinics too and I didn’t take any DHEA 🤷‍♀️ x

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Kyell2

Thanks for sharing your experience. Interesting isn’t it! How are you getting on? Hope all going well so far. xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Kat_15

I’m good. Bleeding seems to have stopped and I had my second scan in 10 days like a crazy person because I keep convincing myself that it’s all gone wrong.

IVF anxiety clearly continues and I need to get a grip 😂.

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

Have you got polycystic ovaries? My clinic says that women with polycystic ovaries (me) tend to have higher AMH levels due to follicles releasing higher doses of estrogen. AMH readings do fluctuate and a lot of clinics are placing less importance on AMH results due to it not really accurately reflecting fertility due to this reason. Best of luck🍀

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Hi ya, thank you for your message. No, not that I am aware of or being diagnosed with. How did you find out you had PCOS? Our new consultant said I may have endometriosis as I had very painful periods as a teenager and occasionally more recently since I came off the pill. So painful they made me vomit. I haven’t had a laparoscopy to check but may do in the future. Wishing you lots of luck too. 🍀🤞 xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to Kat_15

When they do an antral follicle scan they'll let you knits if your ovaries look polycystic or not. I have loads of follicles and they make a pearl like pattern apparently which is indicative of polycystic ovaries. I don't have the syndrome part though.

I'm sorry you yours have been so painful. A lap is the only way to diagnose endometriosis I'm afraid.

I'm doing a guardianship and an ERA tomorrow to check for things. My Dr isn't keen to do a lap due to risk of nipping another organ in the process.and I don't have typical symptoms but there is also silent endometriosis...argh it's never ending!

Stay strong xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Thank you for letting me know. It really is! Hope all your checks go okay tomorrow. Wishing you lots of luck and positive vibes. Stay strong too. 💪 xx

Bluebirds7 profile image

I had my AMH done last year and it was 30.1, just had it re-tested (one year later) and it's 34! I have read one study which said it can fluctuate depending on the lab (i.e what they use to analyse the AMH). Mine where done at two different labs! But I also take DHEA so I can't rule that out.

Good luck x

This is the study:

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Bluebirds7

Interesting, thanks for sharing your experience. Wishing you lots of luck too. xx

Tugsgirl profile image

Mine did. I’m not sure how. Mine was in the 40s in 2016 and the 50s in 2018 🤷🏻‍♀️ Either way, it’s great news xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Tugsgirl

Interesting! Many congrats on the birth of your little girl. She is gorgeous! Hope you’re doing well. xx

Jessy1280 profile image

Mine is 45.2 and I have been taking dhea. God help 😂

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Jessy1280

Ha ha! Thanks for sharing your experience Jessy. DHEA can also improve egg quality too I understand. How are you? Wishing you lots of luck with your next cycle. 💪🍀🤞 xx

Jessy1280 profile image
Jessy1280 in reply to Kat_15

Mines already 45.2. I'm taking it purely for egg quality but scared to continue as I don't really need it for numbers. Scared to knock my hormones out of sync x

aamiller405 profile image

Aw that's brilliant news xo

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to aamiller405

Thanks hon. Wishing you lots of luck with your next cycle. Hope you’re doing okay. xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Kat_15

I'm doing pretty good thanks.. And best of luck to you hopefully this AMH is a good sign xo

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to aamiller405

That’s good. 😊I hope so, feeling much more positive now and looking forward to my next cycle. Just need to get my thyroid sorted first as it is overactive at the moment. Seeing a specialist soon to hopefully get it sorted. xx

Starsandsunbeams profile image

Similar happened to me. Initial fertility tests showed I had a low AMH of 3.4. I had just turned 35 then. Had them retested this summer (now soon to be 36) and they are 7.2. Still not in normal range but I was so pleased they hadn't decreased! Xx

Melodys99 profile image
Melodys99 in reply to Starsandsunbeams

Sorry to jump in but can I ask if you took any different supplements? I'm 36 mine was 5.6 last December Xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Melodys99

Hi Melody. In the last year I have gone through two egg collections and one FET. In recent months I have been taking:

* COQ10 300mg a day

* DHEA 25mg three times a day

* Omega 3 1000mg tablet once a day

* Vitamin D one tablet a day

*Pregnacare x 1 a day

Also been eating lots of protein, not drinking alcohol, limiting caffeine to one cup a day of tea/coffee or drinking decaf and no red meat.

Hope that helps. xx

Starsandsunbeams profile image

Not especially, but between the dates of the two blood tests (Oct 2018 and Aug 2019), I had had one IVF cycle and one FET. I did take CoQ10 and ubiquinol plus pregnacare in the Feb and April. Nothing again until the second blood test in August and since then, my consultant recommended me to start taking DHEA for 3 months before starting our next round of IVF, so we shall be starting on a few weeks time xx

alockie profile image

I think that it's possible, as from what I have read some women have higher AMH after acupuncture and mesotherapy to ovaries

Weeginger profile image

Hi, mine went up from 9.6 to 16.5 in about 9 months. Just had it tested again a year later and it's now 17.5. Very strange. I've only been taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy. No DHEA or anything. They didn't seem to think diet was related though. It's very strange! X

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