UPDATE: so unless the consultant is totally against it, myself and my partner have decided to go for only the FET. We've come to the decision that if we aren't successful with our 7 embryos then we'll move on and start the adoption process. It's been a tough decision, but I don't want to spend my whole life tied up in fertility treatments and end up being too old to enjoy adoption fully. I know this isn't a decision that would be right for everyone but I think it's right for us xox
So our first ICSI was a private cycle.. Weve had 1 transfer which resulted in a BFP but had an early miscarriage.. And we have 6 embryos left. (2 grade A and 4 grade C)
Weve just had a phonecall from our NHS hospital to say we've made it to the top of the list which is perfect timing.
So my understanding is we're entitled to a full fresh cycle if we wish or can use an embryo from our own clinic and have a FET... now I'm wondering do I just stick with a FET or do I do the fresh cycle again to create more embryos??
I should add that I developed a polyp during my fresh cycle.. We don't really know why but I'm worried it was down to the drugs and so wonder if it would happen again which would mean more surgery and another set back.