Dear HealthUnlocked community
I am writing to ask your advice.
I've recently turned 39 and have no children. I had PCOS but no longer have the full syndrome, 'only' the polycystic ovaries. I lead a healthy and active life. My hormonal profile is within 'normal' range. We've only just missed on the NHS funding for IVF and had to self-fund our first round (short protocol) last summer. We were unsuccessful in getting pregnant but have a top-grade frozen embryo.
We always felt that the natural way forward would be to have a frozen embryo transfer but have been asked to consider having a fresh cycle of IVF (long protocol) first because of my age and the impact this may have on the quality of my eggs, alongside the impact of polycystic ovaries. It seems that there is a notion that delaying a fresh cycle (i.e. after an unsuccessful frozen embryo transfer) by several months could impact on my egg quality, given my age.
I am yet to decide what to do and I am aware I have to do it rather quickly. I wonder if you might have come across a similar scenario or what you would recommend in such circumstances. I am a little anxious about the long protocol but feel I have another round of IVF 'in me'.
Thank you!