Just awaiting my lining check this morning after a cancelled cycle and hysterscopy that showed thin pale unresponsive lining. I’ve literally done everything I possibly can to improve; acupuncture, fertility massage and yoga, castor oil packs, good diet, no drink, vitamin c, d, e and l’argine, co enzyme and red clover..... I pray this has showed improvement on this trial cycle so I can transfer my precious frozen embryos
Hoping for improvement - lining scan - Fertility Network UK
Hoping for improvement - lining scan

Wishing you so much luck for today, hope its encouraging news!xx
Hi, my clinic put me on a injection called suprecur to thicken my lining up as from cd 2 it wasn’t getting thicker I was on that for 2 to 3 weeks for it to get thick it did the job xx
Well it’s good structure, nice 3 lines but still only 5mm. I am on 3x 2mg prognova is that not a lot?
Its good that you have a triple layer. Have the hospital mentioned upping your dose at all? Im usually on a higher dose than this. I usually start off on around 4x2mg plus estrogen patches (8mg in total) upping to 5x2mg and sometimes more.....think the most I was on at one point was 8x2mg per day.xx
Hi I was suffering from thin lining issues with only getting to 5mm so my fresh cycle was cancelled and then on my Fet transfer my day 12 scan still only showed 4.8. I asked if I could double my dose and I also asked if I could do a few of the progynova vaginally too as I’d googled it works better. They said I could and when I got to transfer day 5 days later it had gone up to 8.1mm. I don’t know if it was from taking it vaginally but anything is worth a shot xx
Thanks for your reply. They have taken me to 10mg now up from 6 and 2 are to be taken vaginally. Got a scan Friday so will be thrilled if I had the same response as yourself. This gives me a bit of hope x
Good luck, we had decided to go for a transfer anyway but was stressing I was still going to be at 5mm, I really think the vaginal way worked best for me. I’ll find out on Sunday if the embryo has stuck though 🙏🏻 Xx