Pregnancy after myomectomy - Fertility Network UK

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Pregnancy after myomectomy

ICSIBaby86 profile image
4 Replies

I’m currently 19+2 after myomectomy surgery back in September. I’m feeling increasingly anxious as my pregnancy continues. I’m booked in for a csection at 39 weeks as I’m at risk of uterine rupture. Im being scanned every 4 weeks as a precaution. I just feel a bit overwhelmed by it all. After going through ivf I’m so worried that something is going to go wrong all the time. To make matters worse the consultant mentioned that because I fell pregnant so quickly after surgery the babies placenta may need to be surgically removed as it could be stuck to my uterus. Are there any other ladies that have had pregnancy after myomectomy and what were your experiences xxxx

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4 Replies
Elynn profile image

Ok take a big deep breath. Good news is your baby is growing beautifully and Mamma is well. 🙂 Anxiety level understandibly high, but you need to manage that. You are being monitored well, and will be seen more often. You have a sound birth plan. 39wk section very wise. You wll iboth be safe. Your Dr was maybe a little insensitive re the placenta. But just doing his job keeping you informed. Just to reassure you, placentas are removed manually during sections. It's been done many times and you wont feel it or know anything about it as you will be so busy falling in love with your baby. Sounds as tho your consultant has this. Try and relax and trust hes got your back 😍

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Elynn

Thank you so much for the reassurance ! You’re right the consultant has been on the ball so I should feel safe really, i had my 20’week scan today and everything was perfect :) thank you xxx

Sparklylife profile image

Came across your post today and just wanted to post to say thank you for sharing your story. Me and my partner have been trying for a baby for over 2 years now and initially got told we were of 50% of couples who had unexplained infertility. Since getting more specialist help, we have found I have an 8 cm fibroid in my uterus wall and my consultant recommended I had it removed before we go down route of IVF. I am not sure how to feel. I was initially terrified with the idea of surgery.. I am due an appointment to see my consultant again to discuss matters of surgery again as he wanted some more tests first. I have had another 3D scan and some blood tests. Feeling nervous about it all and it helped reading your post. I am trying to stay positive. Congratulations and I really hope everything is going well for you! I was wondering if I could perhaps ask you some questions?

How long after myomectomy surgery did they recommend you waited prior to falling pregnant? Did you have IVF after or did it happen naturally once your fibroid was removed?

Thank you and again.. really all the best! xX

ICSIBaby86 profile image
ICSIBaby86 in reply to Sparklylife

Hiya :) thank you for getting in touch ! I know what fibroid nightmares are like, I wish I’d removed mine sooner. We had 3 failed ivfs before my open myo Surgery then fell pregnant with ivf after ! So the fibroid was definitely causing issues.

The only reason we were having ivf was due to my partner having Male factor infertility. I’ve already got a 10 year old from a previous relationship which I no problems conceiving. On my first son my fibroid was only 2cm and not causing any problems, 10 years down the line it had grow a lot and was distorting the shape of my uterus.

To make matters worse my first ivf clinic were absolutely useless and encouraged me to have my first round of treatment with the fibroid there, 3 lost embryos later and lots of tears the clinic decided actually the fibroid was causing an issue, not only that the ivf medication had made it grow rapidly so was even bigger than I had started with ! A nightmare.

I changed ivf clinics at this point, my new clinic scanned me and were horrified that the other clinic had allowed me to go through ivf with it there, even if I had got pregnant I could’ve miscarried. They recommended I had it removed surgically before having anymore treatment. To speed things up I went privately to see a consultant, he tried shrinking it with esmya to begin with for 3 months but unfortunately it didn’t work, he then agreed to do open myo surgery on me.

He was a fantastic consultant and even though I paid privately for the consultations he put me on his NHS waiting list so that I didn’t have to pay for the surgery, it would have cost me approx £5000 with him!

The surgery went well the recovery was tiring but not painful, I had to wait 4-5 months before ttc/next round of Ivf, I then fell pregnant first time after treatment. I am monitored throughout my pregnancy I have 4 weekly scans because of the surgery and il need to have a csection at 39 weeks, but so far everything has been good ! Feel free to ask me anything ! Wishing you lots of luck xxxx

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