I am currently at day 4 following a ET. I am experiencing weird feelings, and seriously feel like I'm losing my mind. not had any bleeding which is positive, and feel bloated. The tww is agonising. This is my first IVF treatment, but 13 years ago my husband and I had ICSI treatment, after 3 attempts we had twin boys born 4 months early, unfortunately, we lost one due to a pre-diagnosed condition, so it's has been a while since had any treatment. What is normal for this time?
Day 4 following day 5 blastocyst embr... - Fertility Network UK
Day 4 following day 5 blastocyst embryo transfer

I’m 6dp5dt today also feel like I’m losing my mind! Struggling to decide whether I’m actually feeling anything or it’s all in my head! This is our second transfer, this one frozen, the first one was fresh. No idea what’s normal anymore! I’ve ordered tests online and I’m trying hard to wait for them to arrive and not dash out and buy one today!! Good luck!! X

Thank you. You too.
Welcome to the 2ww crazies!! You will loose your mind completely these 2 weeks. It’s so hard but keep going ladies. Good luck to you both xx
It's the day my period would be due. Had nothing at all and last night had a little bit of spotting. Went to bed with a pad on, this morning not really much there. Got cramps but don't think it's as harsh as it would be. Hate all this waiting. Last night I thought that was it and literally cried myself to sleep. This morning I feel really down. It doesn't look good though.
It could be just because your period is due also could be implantation bleed. Was it dark or bright in colour? I know how you feel and o know it’s hard but be positive it’s still early days xxx
It was dark.
Dark means that it has been there a while. So I would say be positive and you are still on track for a BFP! When is test day? Xx
I am also on D4p5dt. I feel bloated and windy and get mild cramps. You've got to keep yourself busy doing things you enjoy to distract you other wise it's torture. Nothing you do will change the outcome so you may as well enjoy! I know it's easier said than done. Fill your days with nice walks, baking, going out for lunch with friends, reading ... Whatever you fancy. Test day will soon come around. Here's hoping it's our time. Good luck xx
It's getting harder to stay relaxed as the days count down to the test, I really feel my period is about to hit, I have had more spotting after going away, it is still dark, but is more obvious now and the period like pain is here. Boobs not sore though. I'll continue with the pessaries and everything, but I feel like it's pointless tbh.