Day 5 post embryo transfer & feeling ... - Fertility Network UK

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Day 5 post embryo transfer & feeling down

CocoDisney profile image
25 Replies

Morning all,

So its now day 5 post embryo transfer and I can’t help but feel as though we aren’t going to get the outcome we’re hoping for. I know we won’t know anything for sure until taking the scheduled pregnancy test, but I’m having a harder time with the wait than I expected.

The first day or 2 I had some cramping, which I assume was due to the procedure, but since then I don’t seem to have had any symptoms in particular. I have felt tired, achey and emotional, but that’s to be expected.

I’m going to work, we had a day out yesterday, I’m resting as and when I can, and trying to keep my routine fairly normal. So I’m trying to keep myself and my mind occupied, but I still can’t seem to stop wondering and worrying about every little potential sign (or lack of it)

Certain symptoms I’ve read can be a sign of both success and failure, so it’s not overly helpful. I can’t seem to stop myself from trying to find any information that may be a clear cut sign.

Any advice or tips for not going stir crazy during the 2 week wait? And any advice regarding symptoms or in my case the lack of?

Thank you.

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CocoDisney profile image
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25 Replies
Sunflower8686 profile image

CocoDisney I completely understand how you are feeling. I'm also in the same position. I'm due to take the PT on Thursday and completely scared to do so. I've done a lot of baking and experimenting with recipes and walking my dogs to keep busy especially as we are very limited to what we can do during the 2ww. You are not alone and it's completely normal to feel anxious about symptoms and lack of them. I know it's easy said then done but try not do Google too much it doesn't help and I'm one for doing this too. I'm trying to find happy success stories when my mind wanders in search of answers as it gives me hope. Take care xx

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Sunflower8686

Thank you for your message Sunflower8686. Wishing you all the best for Thursday x

Hello, just dropping in to say I had a positive result post transfer after zero symptoms, nothing at all so try and stay positive although I know it’s difficult, but why shouldn’t it work and be your turn. I also read somewhere which helped me that most people don’t get any symptoms and they don’t have anything to write about so try not to listen to all the noise on the internet as it’s so one sided. Wishing you all the luck x

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Bristolballoonfan

Thank you Bristolballoonfan. I’m happy for you that you had a positive result post transfer.

I have had some cramping today, but once again I’ve read that it can be both a positive or a negative sign, so I’m none the wiser. I know I shouldn’t really keep googling, as it’s not giving me any clear answers and just worries me more.

I suppose I need to try to keep busy, and try to stay patient, which as you know is much easier said than done x

DancingQu33n profile image

I wrote a similar post a few weeks ago, it’s so hard to stay positive and distract yourself when it feels like you’re out of the race. I did get a positive so lack of symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean it hasn’t worked, really hope that it has for you🤞 I have no tips on not going stir crazy as drove myself completely nuts with it all!

Lollypop1993 profile image

Day 5 today and feeling exactly the same have you had any sharp pulling twinges ?

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

Yes, I’ve had a few pains that feel more like low twinging/pulling. Have you? I’ve also had lower back pain today.

It’s just so hard to know what it all means, and if these things are normal or not. But I suppose we’re all different, and none of us can know until the day we take the test. 2 weeks of worry and wondering really isn’t nice. I’m Day 6 today, and I’m just trying to tell myself it’s out of my hands, and to try and keep my mind occupied, so I don’t drive myself completely insane!

Lollypop1993 profile image
Lollypop1993 in reply to CocoDisney

Yes all of what you have had I have had too. I'm day 7 today. I wish you all the luck xx

Lollypop1993 profile image
Lollypop1993 in reply to CocoDisney

When have they told you to test 9 days ?

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

I’m day 7 today and I’ve been told to test after 2 weeks, so next Wednesday. Wishing you all the best too x

Lollypop1993 profile image
Lollypop1993 in reply to CocoDisney

I was day 5 frozen embryo and clinic have said teat 9 days then 11 days so this Friday and Sunday x

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

Wishing you all the best X

Lollypop1993 profile image

Feel the same as you though even in my head sometimes I think yes it's worked and other times I think no it hasn't!

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

I’ve had exactly the same thoughts. One day I feel completely negative and convinced the symptoms are a bad sign, the next I have a hopeful feeling that the symptoms are a positive sign. The wait and fear of the unknown, are certainly harder than I anticipated x

Lollypop1993 profile image
Lollypop1993 in reply to CocoDisney

I am with you 100% we've got this.X

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

😊 💪 x

Lollypop1993 profile image

Hey how u r today

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

Hi there,

I’m not too bad thank you. I’m still struggling not to read something into every single little twinge/ache, or perhaps lack of symptoms. Also can’t seem to stop googling questions, thinking I’ll all of a sudden have some miracle answer to all my doubts and fears. I’m trying not to, but I can’t seem to help myself.

How are you today?

Lollypop1993 profile image

We are the same person I feel just like this hate the doubt part. My test day is tomorrow and I'm not feeling hopeful. Xx

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

Yes I agree, the doubts and questions are just all consuming aren’t they.

I read somewhere that you should expect the worst, but hope for the best. I’m trying to think that way, but it’s really really hard. The wait is just agonising. I just try to remind myself that what will be will be, and at this stage there isn’t very much we can do to alter the outcome.

I really wish you all the best for tomorrow, and if you feel like you’d like to message me, regardless of the result, please feel free to do so x

Lollypop1993 profile image

I agree what will be will be there's nothing we can do. Nice to message someone in the same wait and nows how I feel. Was yours fresh or frozen x

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

Mine was fresh. You?

So I’m 42, and I was told I have a very low egg count (due to my age) I was also told I have a very low chance of conceiving naturally, and only 1-5% chance of conceiving through IVF. So I have been made aware that a positive outcome for us, using my own eggs is very low. But due to my age, for my partner and I, it’s a case of now or never. We have to at least try, or we’ll never know and always wonder ‘what if’

It’s our 2nd cycle (the first was stopped before egg retrieval, due to the follicles not growing/developing to adequate size) This time around, we only had 2 follicles, but they developed as they should. 1 lonely little egg was retrieved, which thankfully fertilised, and embryo implantation was last Wednesday.

I agree, it’s comforting to speak freely here and know that others are having similar worries, doubts, fears, hopes, questions and experiences x

Lollypop1993 profile image
Lollypop1993 in reply to CocoDisney

Frozen so we went for our 1st cycle in November and I have pcos so ended up in hospital with OOHS they froze the 5 embryos that got to day 5 and we had a break then started 12th August and had transfer Weds 28th. I have everything crossed that this works for you. We are in the UK are you? X

CocoDisney profile image
CocoDisney in reply to Lollypop1993

Oh okay. So it sounds as though you’ve already been through a fair amount then.

Thank you, you too 😊

Yes I’m in the UK x

Lollypop1993 profile image

Hey coco wishing you all the best for tomorrow.X

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