Morning all,
So its now day 5 post embryo transfer and I can’t help but feel as though we aren’t going to get the outcome we’re hoping for. I know we won’t know anything for sure until taking the scheduled pregnancy test, but I’m having a harder time with the wait than I expected.
The first day or 2 I had some cramping, which I assume was due to the procedure, but since then I don’t seem to have had any symptoms in particular. I have felt tired, achey and emotional, but that’s to be expected.
I’m going to work, we had a day out yesterday, I’m resting as and when I can, and trying to keep my routine fairly normal. So I’m trying to keep myself and my mind occupied, but I still can’t seem to stop wondering and worrying about every little potential sign (or lack of it)
Certain symptoms I’ve read can be a sign of both success and failure, so it’s not overly helpful. I can’t seem to stop myself from trying to find any information that may be a clear cut sign.
Any advice or tips for not going stir crazy during the 2 week wait? And any advice regarding symptoms or in my case the lack of?
Thank you.