Hello all, I just had my first IVF. We had only 4 eggs, 3 fertilised, 3 day 3, one day 5 that we transferred last Monday. Last Friday I started feeling like my period is coming and Saturday I had very heavy brown spotting. Then it stoped but unfortunately on Tuesday I started bleeding at the beginning light pink but yesterday it was full period flow. Yesterday I decided to test, so as to stop the medication (why continue with heparin shots and progesterone if it is all over?) The FRER was a clear dark positive. Today is even darker. I am still bleeding and it just feels like my normal period.... I don't know if this is a miscarriage or an ectopic but I know these are the only possible outcomes... I just want this to resolve soon so I can move on
Positive Test but Heavy bleeding - Fertility Network UK
Positive Test but Heavy bleeding

Hey. Did you speak to your clinic? They might take you in for a check up and to do some bloods. Best of luck and i hope the bleeding is caused by something else and baby stays safe ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤xxx
I called my clinic yesterday before I tested, to tell them that I am bleeding and asked what to do. They said continue with medication but DO NOT test. I told them I wanted to, but they were saying no it is too early and it is not to be conclusive. In my experience from all these years if someone gets a negative at 9dp5dt then it is most likely a negative.
I feel if I call them they will tell me that there is nothing they can do and I should wait an test again on Monday (14dp5dt) as they adviced from the beginning. My biggest fear right now is an ectopic. It is sad as we have been trying for years and this is the first positive I have ever seen.....
Hi alpatchino
I hope you don’t mind me asking but how are you feeling?
I had my ET 9 days and been having bleeding since yesterday like aperiod . My test date is next week , but have given up on any hope
I am stilling testing strong positive which is worrying. Up until yesterday I had just red blood - no clots, no cramps, but yesterday I had the heaviest period of my life, a huge clot and very painful cramps. At this point I am 100% certain I have miscarried or it is ectopic my doctor told me that bleeding is not necessary bad but there is bleeding and then there is bleeding! I wish you the best. I hope you receive good news.
Hi hun if you mc you can still get positive tests mine were positive for 13 days after I had a MVA. Same with my natural miscarriages. Are they going to do a blood test? If it’s ectopic you feel pains in your shoulder, abdomen and bum I think generally unwell. You can have bleeding with pregnancy like dr say it’s not always bad I always have some hope until I’m told anything other. Xx

Thank you gcw. I have been bleeding very heavily now since Tuesday, I think it would be crazy for me to have any hope.... I did a blood test on Friday and repeating on Monday to make sure everything is good. What I find so cruel is that I have stronger pregnacy symptoms as days progress.....
Yeah it’s sad my pregnancies have got to 12w but stopped about 6w &9w so 6w &3w of not being aware of anything wrong because you’ve got hcg in your system you get pregnancy symptoms which is definitely cruel 😢 thinking of u xx
Praying for you but don’t give up it may all be good ok keep your spirits high