Over the weekend I've had really heavy bleeding around 8dp5dt. I am taking 400mg cyclogest three times a day.
When the bleeding started on Friday or was a brown discharge colour (sorry for the information!) so I assumed it was implantation bleeding and didn't call the clinic.
I then did a pregnancy test on Saturday which was a really really faint positive verging on negative. I continued to have brown bleeding so assumed it may be linked to implantation.
On Sunday around lunchtime my bleeding got a lot heavier and became fresh red with clotting. I thought it was my period and didn't call the clinic.
Overnight I've had so much more bleeding (had to change my pad twice overnight) and eventually called the clinic. They told me to do a pregnancy test and it's come back positive.
They told me I should have called them when I started bleeding because they would have increased my progesterone through injections.
They did tell me to call them if I had any discharge/bleeding during the tww at the time of embryo transfer and I'm so annoyed at myself for not doing this.
The bleeding has continued to be really heavy and now I absolutely hate myself because due to me not calling them and getting the increased progesterone I have likely completely ruined my chances of having a healthy baby. I'm sure that the embryo can't survive all this bleeding and maybe if I had called them on Friday I could have prevented this
Has anyone else also been through this? I really wanted this baby and due to my own stupidity it looks like I've ruined my chances.