Heavy Bleeding 8dp5dt: Hello, Over the... - Fertility Network UK

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Heavy Bleeding 8dp5dt

Nwcstl profile image
8 Replies


Over the weekend I've had really heavy bleeding around 8dp5dt. I am taking 400mg cyclogest three times a day.

When the bleeding started on Friday or was a brown discharge colour (sorry for the information!) so I assumed it was implantation bleeding and didn't call the clinic.

I then did a pregnancy test on Saturday which was a really really faint positive verging on negative. I continued to have brown bleeding so assumed it may be linked to implantation.

On Sunday around lunchtime my bleeding got a lot heavier and became fresh red with clotting. I thought it was my period and didn't call the clinic.

Overnight I've had so much more bleeding (had to change my pad twice overnight) and eventually called the clinic. They told me to do a pregnancy test and it's come back positive.

They told me I should have called them when I started bleeding because they would have increased my progesterone through injections.

They did tell me to call them if I had any discharge/bleeding during the tww at the time of embryo transfer and I'm so annoyed at myself for not doing this.

The bleeding has continued to be really heavy and now I absolutely hate myself because due to me not calling them and getting the increased progesterone I have likely completely ruined my chances of having a healthy baby. I'm sure that the embryo can't survive all this bleeding and maybe if I had called them on Friday I could have prevented this :(

Has anyone else also been through this? I really wanted this baby and due to my own stupidity it looks like I've ruined my chances.

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Nwcstl profile image
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8 Replies
sun-and-rain profile image

Oh, that's just so nerve-wracking what you're going through! I can totally relate to it, since I had this bleeding for a whole week from 5dpt, not as much as you describe, though, but absolutely enough for me to worry, and on 10dpt I had fresher blod with clots also, still I tested positive that day, the day after, two days after and now 10 days after. The bleeding stopped after a week. I can totally understand that you feel sorry for yourself because you didn't contact the clinic, but if it helps a little, I did, and they told me that my Progesterone pessaries of 100mg x3/daily should be enough (I asked specifically if I should increase the dosis), so I definitely think that you shouldn't blame yourself for anything if this goes s**t, and also, you got a positive, so hope's not out!!! Hoping for you that you get a lovely surprise with decreased bleeding and continuously positive tests <3 <3 <3

TexasRose210 profile image

Don’t be so hard on yourself. At least you know the solution to the problem and hope your baby grows to be healthy

Redsequin profile image

Hi lovely. I know it's tempting to blame yourself, but we are all human and we all make mistakes. At least now you know what the problem is and hopefully, an increase in progesterone will help; if worst comes to the worst and it doesn't work out this time, You'll know exactly what to look out for next time, but you are still testing positive so there's definitely still hope! xxx

Clover5 profile image

Try not to beat yourself up hun as the clinics are quick to blame us telling us we should make them aware of things straight away, but often mine you tell them and get fobbed straight off most the time saying it's normal!

Hopefully now they've got you on the injections, it should stop the bleeding and put your mind at rest 💕I had this with my last pregnancy and they said they'd prescribe Lubion injections to stop any early bleeding, but I've been advised due to uk shortage, they can't get me any 🙄.

Wishing you lots off luck hun 💕xX

Corchi profile image

Hi I just wanted to say as someone who has had 7 miscarriages and two healthy babies yes you can up your progesterone (last pregnancy I lost I had horrific bleeding and was on the highest dose of pessaries and injections of progesterone) that no matter what you try and do if a baby is to be born it will and if it’s not meant to be (usually always due to abnormal chromosomes) it doesn’t proceed. None of this is your fault. Please don’t blame yourself and take a moment to breathe. It may all be ok. My one son had horrific bleeding with passing clots and tissue and he was fine. The rest were not. You just never r know and usually to be honest there is nothing you can do to prevent. Xxxx

Twiglet2 profile image

Your clinic shouldnt have said that! I’ve had bleeding twice with BFP st 8dpt and in both cases upping progesterone would have made zero difference and my clinic don’t do it anyway and would have said test on OTD and continue meds even if bleeding. With one of my bleeding episodes it wasnt good news but the 2nd time resulted in my son, I had a SCH and they did a scan at 5+4 weeks and saw it, I bled for 6 weeks including bright red clots. Are your clinic going to do a set of HCG blood tests to see what’s happening? I’m really mad at them for making you feel like this when it’s totally not your fault!! Sending you a massive hug Xx

Live-the-dream1 profile image

I am the exact same as you I started testing 9DP5DT and was positive, tested day after, positive, then I started that day with brown discharge, tested day after (11DP) and still positive, however now a lighter bleed with bright red blood, called the clinic yesterday as now the bleeding was heavy and clots, they’ve told me to continue progesterone and test again Thursday, I have tested again today and it’s still positive, the clinic have said the hormone can take a while to disappear from your system if the pregnancy has failed (CP) but also it could also continue…..this doesn’t help the stress and anxiety we’re going through though, the only way they said I would know for sure is to have the HCG blood tests at my GP every couple of days and see what is happening as it’s too early to do a scan.I hope you go on to have good news and send you lots of luck 💕

I’m going to test again Thursday and go from there my OTD is actually today, but I’m still non the wiser as positive but heavy bleed - what should have been such a happy occasion has been hugely clouded 😔

Good luck lovely 🍀

ChelWestie profile image

Nwcstl I am going through what I assume is MC but reading this thread it gives me some hope..

I started bleeding at 6weeks and rang the hospital who told me once a MC starts there is nothing we can do to stop it once a MC starts but to keep on meds- I hope this advice I got reassures you. We will continue to test positive in the short term even with MC as the hormones are in our system and I was advised to go to EPU next week to check status with US.

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