As post states, I am currently 5dp5dt today and have had a BFN with FMU, i know this is still early but I am sure it hasn’t worked. Just trying to get my head around it all as I’m still not supposed to test for another 6 days but I just feel that it’s true. I haven’t told my husband that I’ve tested and am dreading letting everyone down with this negative result. Xx
5dp5dt BFN, feeling so sad xx - Fertility Network UK
5dp5dt BFN, feeling so sad xx

It really is awfully early. I will admit I have seen the odd person have a positive at this stage but most are a bit later! Hang on in there!xx
I tested at 9dp5dt and the line was mega faint, a day earlier it wouldn't have been there. Don't give up yet!
Hi, I know how you feel. I am 5dpt 5dt and I tested with a BFN too. I also am not feeling any symptoms. I've read so many places that people have positives later so we have to be strong. We can do this. I've read at day 5, the implantation has only completed and that HCG only gets released into the blood day 5 and day 6 onwards. Maybe we are late bloomers 😊 We got this Hun. Stay strong with me xx
Hi it’s so nice to have someone here going through it all with me. How have you found the whole process?? Xx
Its been hard this time round. Its my third cycle. I had to definitely push through my injections. My egg collection was horrible and this tww is killing me. Not knowing what's going on. How have you found the whole process?
Hardly anyone gets a bfp at 5dp5dt. The otd is in place as that is when you will get your accurate result. You have to wait and don't try again at least until 8 or 9 days past - you might then get a very faint line. But really your otd will be when you get your correct result. X
Ummm I’ve been fine with injections, progesterone and egg collection but egg transfer was agony for me. It took 45 mins as consultant couldn’t get through my cervix. Apparently there’s a bend in it. I had similar problem at my hycosy scan. I would def need sedation before another one.
I haven’t got any embryos frozen either. We had 4 eggs, 2 fertilised and made it to day 5. One top quality and the other wasn’t good enough to freeze. So it’s all on this cycle at the minute 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Feel like I’m letting my family down xx
I had no symptoms really at 5dp5dt. Got a BFP on day 9, don’t give up yet - day 5 is way too early xxx
Agree with others definitely too early! Most drs wouldn’t recommend you testing until after you miss your period.
You definitely not out.
Hope the result changes on otd 🤞🏻❤️✨xoxo

☺️ thank you for your kind words xx
🙈 oh bless you!
I haven’t seen anyone with a BFP when testing this early - it’s not a common thing, the majority of people will take time hun.
You’re definitely not out - this is too soon to know - hang in there and get some support from your hubby. It’s so hard to not test early - am thinking of you and sending you so much luck. Pls keep us updated xxx
You still have so much time, don’t count yourself out. Think positively xx
It’s so hard to not give In and test early (I did by 3) but try not to panic too much as I think its really early. Wishing you all the best and sending positive vibes 🙏💕xX