Hi all, I know it is a minefield, there is no one fits all, I just wondered if has been in my situation before.
All of mine and partner have had all fertility tests back, all absolutely fine and ‘normal’. My periods are like clockwork every month. They come on exactly when expected, but we have been trying for over two years and absolutely nothing, not even a chemical pregnancy. It just simply doesn’t happen. We take all of the vitamins we can. We go through times we’ve gone on holiday and we’re relaxed, we’re not stressed at all then times where we feel a bit more impatient. It is very scary to think that there is not a reason why it’s not happening. Is there anything else we should be trying?
We due to be going for IVF very soon but I’m starting to think I shouldn’t get too excited and I’m starting to lose faith that this will ever happen for me, which is a heartbreaking prospect.