Hi all,
After a very challenging journey we finally made it to the anxiety induced two week wait. Our clinic has asked us to test on day 13 but I just couldn’t wait any longer and tested this morning which is 10dp5dt (I held out for as long as I could!) This is our first FET with our only embryo, so we are putting all our hopes into this working. Apart from sporadic mild cramping/pulling sensations over the last couple days I haven’t had any symptoms. I did have an upset stomach and bloating the day of transfer and the day after but this settled quickly. Can anyone shed any light on whether the line should be darker at this point? Or whether there is a chance it’s a false positive? It’s the first positive pregnancy test I’ve ever had and I’m trying to not get too excited but it’s so hard!
This is just a cheap clear and simple test but I’ve brought some clear blue ones to test again tomorrow morning. Any advice or reassurance would be much appreciated.
Thank you xx