First stim scan... mixed feelings - Fertility Network UK

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First stim scan... mixed feelings

glt01 profile image
6 Replies

So yesterday I had my first stim scan to make sure everything was going well. Follicles are growing so that was a massive relief... then the nurse said to me your right ovary is more busy than your left...

(Just rewinding a bit here for contexts sake... every time I've seen a consultant or a nurse they've freaked because I'm at massive risk of OHSS to the point where I'm on a quite low dose of Gonal-F and they are watching me and my 25+ follicles like a hawk... also for other context I'm a nurse so it's very difficult for nurses to hide stuff from nurses especially when they're worried and they're worried...)

So the nurse did the scan, happy they're growing then dropped the bombshell that I'm potentially (quite probably) going to have to have a freeze all cycle. I knew this was a strong probability but I didnt quite realise how much of a probability it was until yesterday. To say I'm disappointed is a bit of an understatement, we're quite realistic about our chances anyway of a successful cycle but then theres the frustration that comes along with a freeze all. We've put our lives on hold so long for this and then to have it prolonged even more is sh*t. So shes ordered yet more drugs for us, I'm sure my neighbours now think we're running some sort of pharmacy and they will make the final decision dependant on my scans next week...

I'm a bit more at ease with it today as my health has to come first and I get that and I'm glad the clinic are sensible enough to not just plough on and make me really ill but putting embryos in a crap environment. BUT I'm still keeping my fingers crossed we can have a fresh transfer...

To top it off my husband decides that after getting this slightly upsetting news it would be the perfect time to tell me his sister is planning on having another baby. The first was no struggle to conceive and she literally asked about the IVF then said oh we're going to have another too. 🤦🏻‍♀️

After 10 minutes of me shouting at him I think he got the point that yesterday was not a good day to break that news. (I'm happy for them but the timing OH... jeesh.)

Hope everyone is doing well wherever they are in their TTC journey

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glt01 profile image
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6 Replies
wemma83 profile image

Sorry to hear your having a tough time sweetheart. I was in a similar situation to you, I overstimulated and ended up having to freeze our two embryos that had made it to day five. At the time we were absolutely gutted and felt that everything was being put on hold when we’d geared ourself up for transfer but I can honestly say now it was 100% the best thing for us. It gave my body time to recover and both of us the mental and emotional rest that we needed. We decided to have both of our embryos put back in for our FET in February, we went for our seven week scan yesterday and to our total amazement discovered it’s twins! Both are measuring at exactly the right size and have good strong heartbeats 😊💕 I know it’s frustrating when you’re all raring to go to be told you might have to wait but I honestly believe everything happens for a reason! Wishing you lots of luck whatever happens sweetheart 💕 xxx

glt01 profile image
glt01 in reply to wemma83

Such amazing news, a massive congratulations! I know frozen transfers have a slightly higher rate of success so I know I'm just being a grump but it's so frustrating! Thank you for your kind words, its lovely to hear positives. Hope you have a happy and safe pregnancy xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Hi hon. I know it's disappointing - I got told on collection day that they'd decided to freeze all. Was frustrating as you just want to get on with it but it's definitely for the best. I felt really sh*tty after EC so was good to have the time to get back to 100% before transfer so think of it like that - some time to look after yourself and do some nice things, cheeky glass of wine now and again, eat some rare steak, some sushi...

For us the delay worked out really well in the end. Successful first transfer and BB is due in the middle of winter - definitely the best time to be 9 months pregnant here in Brazil!!!

glt01 profile image
glt01 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Wow, thank you and congratulations! I think I'm just being a grump! Thank you for your kind words and good luck for the rest of your pregnancy x

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to glt01

You're disappointed and frustrated and that's ok, we have to wait so long and finally just when things are getting started - another delay. It's hard to accept. Getting the news about your in laws trying again probably didn't help matters!! But wait and see how you feel after EC if you do end up with OHSS, you'll be so pleased you waited!!!

glt01 profile image
glt01 in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thank you. It's good we have this forum as theres people who understand and have gone through it themselves :)

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