First scan in Belfast tomorrow to see how my overies are responding to the gonal f injections. So nervous...desperately need to have an odds defying response to the meds despite my very low amh and age 38. Anyone else had good responses despite low amh? This is my first ever ivf and will be the first time i see how i respond and set the standard going forward. I have an awful fear im not gonna respond well and im terrified of the specialist mentioning the words doner eggs in front of my husband
1st scan to see how i'm responding. - Fertility Network UK
1st scan to see how i'm responding.

What dosage of gonal are you on? I have low AMH. My First IUI I was on tiny dose of 37.5mg and I have 3 dominant follicles over 18mm and a bunch of smaller ones. My second IUI was on 37.5 and I only got 1 dominant follicle and a few smaller ones.
I started stimming on Monday for my ICSI cycle and my FS upped my dosage to 200mg daily and will adjust depending on my first ultrasound results. I’m super interested to see how I am responding to the much higher dose!
Wishing you the best of luck hun. Xx
Hi. Thanks for your reply. I'm on 350 for this ICSI. I have just turned 38 so age is a factor and my AMH was 1.7pmol with this private clinic and then 1 to 2 months later had it tested at NHS appointment and was 6.9 (obviously i like to believe in/focus on second one but both are very low. I'm sure i will post later with scan update. Fingers crossed for your scan. When is it?
I agree go with the second one I’ll look out for an update. I’m having bloods tomorrow. Then scan and bloods on the weekend or Monday. Due to start oraglutran tomorrow
Hi 👋
I have a low amh - had egg retrieval last week and got 4 eggs. , 3 mature , 2 fertilised ! These turned to top grade embryos & I am currently in the 2ww.
I was on 225mg of Gonal f before retrevial.
Good luck 😉 x

Hi Weeando. 2 top grade embryos! Congrats you must be thrilled. Can i assume you just put one in and have one frozen? Hope you are coping well in the 2ww and of course good luck! Hope you get a bfp. Will be following to
Everything crossed!! Let us know how you get on xo
Good luck today, positive thoughts xxx
Just wanted to wish you the very best of luck.
I'm currently on 2ww with Donor Eggs,it wasn't what I had thought I would do when I set out on this journey, but I'm so glad I have as it's going to give us the best chance, I am older than you at 41 and I had high FSH levels xx

Hi Clairenix. Thanks for reply. We only got word before christmas about our infertility issues and still getting my head around that. Hope you are not offended at my fear of them mentioning donor eggs. Its not im against it just havent even had time to decide how i feel about it and feel like if they mention it i'll kind of be forced into it as can't deprive my husband his chance. Tbh scared i'd be resentful. I think your amazing and not sure i'd have your strength. But i guess cross that bridge when i come to it (could be sooner rather than later after todays scan) fingers crossed for your BFP 🤞
I'm not offended at all, DE is not for everyone I was just trying to reassure you that there are other potential routes, if that was a decision you were faced with but I do understand how hard it is, I was beside myself when I was told it was only option but I've come to terms with it now. Really hope your scan goes well and let me know how you get on x

Thank you so much. The clinic offer some free counselling sessions so at least i have them if this doesn't work. We will all get through this and hopefully ivf will be a distant memory a few years from now as we hold our babies.x
Good luck today x
I wasn’t on gonal f but I have low AMH and had 12 good follicles by egg collection I was really happy with that considering my chances.
Remember to keep up fluids and if you can, try taking vitamins too.
Thanks will try more fluids but looking pretty bleak. 3 large follicles (12mm, 14mm, 17mm) on one ovary with couple of minute ones hardly likely to catch up and other ovary not really responding. Not really the news i was hoping for at all.x
Honestly I wasn’t much different. My first scan showed left ovary was slow my right was doing ok so
Year sizes to yours but then I went from 4 on one side to 12 over the two by the final scan.
Just keep going and as silly as I may sound every time you do an injection tell yourself that this will help I will get a better result at the next scan.
Good luck xxx
Good luck with ur scan today , hope all goes to plan, will b thinking of u an looking forward to seeing how u get on. I'm up in Belfast tomorrow x
Hi Littleflower82. Wasn't great...probably looking at 3 follicles which im gutted about. Was really hoping to defy the odds with loads and some to freeze so we could stop worrying about money and putting life on hold and make some plans but not to be....gutted! What you up for 2moro? Is that egg transfer for you already?
Hi ya, I know no matter what anyone says to u today you still still feel gutted, but please try to remain positive, those 3 follicles are great size and highly likely will contain an egg. Did they did your bloods aswell as that will b a good indicator? My first cycle I just got 3 eggs, 2 fertilsed, so ur still in the game x
I have a scan tomorrow to check lining. I am on 6mg prognava so hoping it b a good thickness. If all goes to plan and our embies thaw ok transfer next Friday the 15th 🙏🤞
Wen is ur planned ec?
They will call this afternoon with next appointment but expecting middle to end of next week
I have low amh and this round they put me in gonal F 300mg yesterday I have 15 follicles showing with egg collection tomorrow. My last round I was on menopour 250mg, I had 8 follicles showing and retrieved 8 eggs. Only 2 made it to embryo transfer. Am hoping the positive impact that gonal f has had on my follicles this time round we will retrieve a few more eggs tomorrow. Everyone’s body responds to the medication differently but best of luck xx
Thanks for that. Thats a great number this time. Best of luck for collection 2moro and hope those eggs keep developing well.x