Low amh ivf attempts? : Low amh how... - Fertility Network UK

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Low amh ivf attempts?

Poop84 profile image
22 Replies

Low amh how many attempts at ivf did you do/ think I should do?

I have low amh and had 2 failed embryo transfers from my first ivf cycle. I don’t want to put myself through too much physically and financially so testing the waters for those of you with low amh and in your late 30s if you had any luck and how many attempts. Thanks x

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Poop84 profile image
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22 Replies
Avo-cuddle profile image

What's your AMH level if you don't mind me asking? My AMH level is 4.9 which is low for mid 30s, my first cycle was through the NHS as only managed to retrieve 2 eggs which 1 fertilised so was super disappointed. This time round I've gone private and was on a shorter protocol with different drugs and responded much better, I have just transferred a day 5 blastocyst and have one that I was able to freeze. I know its easier said than done but don't give up hope, we went for a multi cycle package so it eleviates some of the financial tension. Wishing you all the best xxx

Poop84 profile image
Poop84 in reply to Avo-cuddle

Hi it was last 2.3 so low but I had 6 eggs retrieved from stims and two blastocysts 5. Day ones

Poop84 profile image
Poop84 in reply to Avo-cuddle

I was on a short protocol too had 7 days of stims and then hcg shot. I’m private as don’t meet nhs funding in my area unfortunately

Ladybugluck profile image
Ladybugluck in reply to Poop84

If you are making embryos, that’s a good sign. My dr says 1/3 are the odds of sticking for the average person with diminished ovarian reserve. Did you do PGD testing?

Poop84 profile image
Poop84 in reply to Ladybugluck

No because we had two embryos that reached blastocyst but I will talk to the dr about it tomorrow as got an appointment. Would you recommend pgta for low amh?

Ladybugluck profile image
Ladybugluck in reply to Poop84

I dont know. There’s so much discourse about it now maybe leading to false positives for abnormalities. I think it’s an easy thing to recommend to someone who has loads of embryos as the PGD normal embryo is way less likely to miscarry or not stick, but in our situations I’m just not so sure. I did have the testing done as did my wife. I got lucky with 2/2 PGD normal embryos but the first transfer still didn’t work. My wife got 1/3 PGD normal and that’s our son. Although I really still wonder about the others and I’d they could have resulted in healthy babies. There are lots of studies being done now pointing to “maybe”. But it is reassuring I think to know that it’s very common to have an embryo that doesn’t stick or results in a chemical; it truely is a (very sad and cruel) numbers game and I wouldn’t look at your data and say there’s no hope— I’d say there’s lots of hope!

Latetotheparty38 profile image

I think 2 blastocysts is a great result! I’m 38yrs and AMH 2.4. Doing my 4th ivf round (always full round never any eggs/embryos to freeze) 5th round if you count the cancelled cycle! Each round your specialist is getting to know your body better and what works for you and can tailor the protocol. I typically only ever see 2 good size follicles on the scan and get 1-2 at egg collection. This cycle I changed protocol and got a way better result (so far!) 6 follicles this time and egg collection tomorrow. I did a flare protocol using Syneral spray, Elonva then Gonal F 300/450. It’s a numbers game and you have to keep rolling the dice to find your good egg! I got pregnant first ivf cycle with only two eggs but ended in miscarriage. Xx

Wilsonna profile image

I don’t even like to say it as I feel so blessed but I’m 39 and my Amh was 2.4 when tested in summer 2020. I am now 14 weeks pregnant and this happened the month before I was due to start ivf. The ivf doctor suggested I start some bits to prepare (dhea, omega etc). I also changed my diet to include nuts, seeds, fertility smoothies i Read about online. I gave up alcohol totally. I also started acupuncture and meditation.The doctor suggested we do three months of timed intercourse before starting ivf (go in for scan around ovulation, if follicles there and right size they gave me trigger shot, then have exact window to try, and cyclogest taken for two weeks after). In my third month the scan showed 2 right sized follicles for first time and my left ovary that had been dormant in every scan held one of them. I felt this was a sign and I fell pregnant that month.

I just wanted to answer to say I have no idea what worked in the end but it feels like everything together made me feel proactive while also feeling like I was getting my body and mind into a better place. Wishing you so much luck and baby dust xxx

Hi so I had my AMH level come back as 5 when I had it tested at 36. I’ve had two full rounds of private IVF, both short protocols. First round 4 eggs retrieved and 2 made it to 5 day blastocysts. Fresh transfer sadly ended in a missed miscarriage, other went into the freezer. Then I went straight for another fresh round, 5 eggs retrieved and again had 2 day 5 blastocysts. Fresh transfer but sadly negative pregnancy test. Then this May went back to my frozen blastocyst from my first round and I am now 11 weeks pregnant and I am 37 soon to be 38. So I’ve had two rounds and 3 transfers and fingers crossed hoping everything is going well this time around. There is hope, but like you said there is a limit to how many times we can put ourselves through this. Have you had any counselling at all? Or do you do any acupuncture/reflexology? I found a combo of those things really helped with my mental health - although I realise it’s more money again. I know they often say women need up to three rounds of IVF to give themselves a decent chance. Good luck with everything Xx

Poop84 profile image
Poop84 in reply to

Thanks I have accunpture and reflexology too. I had counselling before but didn’t feel it helped much. I just want to get on with my next cycle and hope it works. I’m sure you know the feeling xxx thanks for reaching out means a lot x

in reply to Poop84

Totally understand and get it. Best of luck with your next cycle xx

Mazzath1 profile image

Amh doesn't effect the quality of the egg. The fact you have got blastocyst is brilliant. Unfortunately after 4 rounds I didn't get any blastocyst. My last try I already reached my 40s. So we moved on to d.e. I have now twins. If doesn't work this time around. Maybe you should consider abroad. Lot cheaper and some fantastic clinics. Xxx

Poop84 profile image
Poop84 in reply to Mazzath1

Aw that’s amazing I’m Asian so need an Asian egg donor they’re rAre to find x

Papillonblue profile image

Hi poop84, I’m in a similar boat we have said 3 cycles. Out first I got 3 egg, two fertilised, one 5 day blastocyst but a BFN. Currently prepping for the next round I wanted to try the full it starts with the egg method (first time I just did what the doctor advised - healthy diet high in protein and basic vits) Consultant wanted us to go again sooner but knowing we are only doing this a maximum 3 times I wanted to throw everything at the next round so would rather give it the 3 months and hope DHEA is the miracle for me that it’s been for others. In the meantime I’m getting my head around using DE, as I’m aware this could realistically be our best chance

saraht23 profile image

My clinic haven’t retested mine since I was 27, but it was 13.8 back then. I asked if they would retest before this cycle but they refused. I suspect mine had dropped as I got half the amount of eggs compared to the previous two cycles. One embryo made it thankfully and due my 13 week scan tomorrow. I’ll definitely insist it’s rechecked before we decide whether to do another cycle though x

Poop84 profile image

Thanks all I have an appointment tomorrow Re next steps and going to ask for more tests. Already and thrombolia one and exploring nk cell tests too

Poop84 profile image

Lots mod baby dust to each of you xxx

Butterfly83000 profile image

Well I was 37 when I got pregnant with very low amh. I think it was 4 or something like that. I had 3 failed egg collections as only 3-4 follicles grew. And then there wee no mature eggs or they froze only 1.imagine! The last egg collection I had only 3 and 1 dissappeared at the last scan before egg collection so we cancelled. We converted it to timed intercourse and got pregnant. In my opinion I wouldn't do ivf if you only have 1-3 follicles. I would do Stimmung with clomid and I used testosterone patches a month before. And once the follicles look at a good size I would do natural timed conception if the sperm is OK.

Littlepeax profile image
Littlepeax in reply to Butterfly83000

How does this work exactly if you don't mind me asking ❤

mary77777 profile image

I had an amh of 0.94 at 39 years old. I have one ovary. Did short protocol, got 5 mature eggs, 2 5-day blasts, transferred 1 fresh and was lucky enough to get my baby. Quality is important. As long as your amh is not so low that there won’t be any eggs, there still are chances. Heard of cases where only 1 mature egg was produced and it resulted in a baby. Good luck!

Trying1234 profile image

Hello Poop84

Sorry to hear that you haven’t had success yet.

I saw this on Instagram recently, I posted elsewhere so sorry if you have already seen it. But I have been following her on Instagram and thought it was amazing when she was pregnant, she has low amh too has shared her journey and there are a lot of success stories in the comments.


Poop84 profile image
Poop84 in reply to Trying1234

Aw thanks I’ll give her a follow ❤️🤞

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