I am 30 years old and recently got my AMH tested. My level is 6.43 which is low for my age. I have endometriosis and adhesions. I’ve always wanted children and I am really worried this will prevent me from having them. Has anyone on here got pregnant despite a low AMH? I need hope.
Has anyone managed to get pregnant de... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone managed to get pregnant despite a low AMH? Success stories only please

Hi Endo101,
I have pasted below the reply I gave to another fellow warriors re AMH. Lots of love x
my first AMH test at the age of 34 was 1.6 pmol and the result really upset me. The first clinic I saw also made a big drama out of it and said we had to proceed immediately with IVF if we were to have any hope. Luckily we saw more than one clinic and the third consultant was excellent. She explained that my chances of conceiving on a monthly basis were the same as anyonelse but that IVF might be harder as they might not be able to get many eggs for each round of stimulation. For that reason she recommended embryo batching and she also prescribed dha and growth hormone. In our case, the two collections work out much better than we had hoped for and we ended up with 7 healthy pga tested embryos from 2 collections. This was against all odds. We had many more issues with getting a transfer to work, but we now have a beautiful daughter . We were both really happy and said we’d be happy with one and if a transfer didn’t work again in the future it wouldn’t matter… to our great surprise however, at the age of 37 we conceived naturally and I’m now 28 weeks pregnant. I hope that this can give you some hope. AMH is only one of the many factors that impact our fertility journey, though I cried for days at the time and only felt better once I got to speak with a therapist.
Thank you so much for your reply! I’ve been in tears a lot since I received the result and have been worrying about the future. Your story has really helped me and I’m so happy it worked out for you.
Hi Endo. I didn’t have any success with my one round of ivf - we had one good embryo & one not as good transferred, and both failed (this was from 6 eggs, 4 of which were mature and 3 fertilised). However I have conceived naturally twice and had two lovely boys. You will see the AMH stats on my bio, which are extremely low! In my first call with the NHS clinic the nurse mentioned donor eggs to me - quite clearly they weren’t needed!
Fingers crossed you have success ❤️ Xx

Thank you for sharing your story! 😊 Once again, this has given me hope when I need some.
Hi there. I was 42 when I embarked on fertility treatment. I was diagnosed with low AMH and I also had my age against me. However I conceived naturally three times. Two pregnancies resulted in early losses and the third pregnancy is my 21 month old son (who I had when I was 44 years old). You have age on your side which is a huge positive. Low AMH does not impact on one’s chances of conceiving naturally but can mean less eggs retrieved through IVF. However everyone is different and you won’t know until you try. I wish you the best of luck and just remember you’ve got age on your side and with that you should have more viable eggs than if you were much older. X
Hi Endo, my AMH was 5.6pmol at the age of 38 however I managed to get pregnant easily naturally. Unfortunately I had 4 miscarriages before we started IVF and was recommended to PGT-A test our embryos. As people before me said, sometimes you can’t be stimulated as much which was the case with me- I had one egg from my first round and was recommended we move to donor eggs. We were not ready and went through another 2 collections. Ended up with one euploid and one mosaic embryo. I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant with the Euploid embryo so miracles do happen. I wish you luck and a lot of strength x
Never give up hope!
I am presently 45 and only found out I had endometriosis when I was 43. Not sure what stage or how bad it is as our gynaecologist at the time was eager to remove my ovary. After refusing to do so, we asked for further tests about my fertility.
At the time I had 0.9 AMH, lots of fibroids. It just felt hopeless, but each doctor we saw reminded me that at my age it was near to impossible with my own eggs, plus I had multiple fibroids that would cause issues.
We’ve talked to about 7 different doctors / clinics worldwide. We’re on our second round of IVF (which was a FET) and very early weeks of pregnancy.
Every doctor has their own opinion. Like one of the other ladies commented, AMH is just one factor, it’s not the only. It’s hard, but try and stay positive. Nothing is impossible! Xx
Your AMH rate is quite low but not horrible and given your age you will have great great eggs. Get them freeze as many as possible for the next pregnancies you will want to have after this one.
Do not worry everything will go smooth!
Hi Endo101 at 30 my AMH was 7.2 or just over 1pmol, so very similar to yours. My first round of IVF I made 2 blasts and one is no now my beautiful two year old boy (had at 31). I’m now 34 and my AMH is 6.8 and have currently been trying again for 9 months via IVF for a 2nd child. 2nd round hasn’t been a success and we will embark on our 3rd round in January 2025. Low AMH does mean most likely less eggs collected and possibly less blasts to transfer but it genuinely only takes one! My pride and joy that is my son is proof of that. Wishing you every success.
hi, I had my amh checked when I was 31 and it was 8.8, so not much higher than yours. It shouldn’t affect your chance of conceiving naturally. We did ivf due to male factor problems and because we wanted the chance to have a couple of children (if we are very lucky) we decided to invest time (and money) now to get as many embryos in the freezer as possible while we are young and eggs should at least be good quality. We had max dose of stims for cycles 1 and 2 and a bit lower for cycle 3 (as it was a different clinic). Got between 8-15 eggs with each collection. Managed to get 10 embryos in total (varying quality which is pretty normal, but 4/10 are graded good-very good). Bear in mind we have really severe male factor infertility so results would otherwise have been much better. Age really is on your side which is so important- hopefully your eggs will be great quality! Luckily our first transfer worked and we are 15 weeks pregnant. Thinking of you as I remember the shock of getting low AMH results, I felt so so down, but you’ve found out early enough that you still have plenty of time to take action. I tried to see it as a positive that we had found out and could get on with embryo freezing whereas if we had waited longer to try or if we had fallen pregnant naturally we may never have known and that could have meant we wouldn’t be able to have more children in the future. I really hope you have success x
At 37 my amh was 3.4pmol I was told i needed ivf. I lost 40lbs to qualify for nhs ivf. Two failed rounds later fell pregnant on the first natural cycle after ivf round 2 failed. I used coq 10 ubiquinol life extension brand and dhea 75mg eurovital brand. Tho you need dhea-s and testosterone bloods for that first. Also sometimes keto sometimes low carb sometimes Mediterranean diet and lots of exercise. Accupuncture and reiki. Im 40 and welcomed our first baby a little boy last month 23rd sept. Just because you have low amh doesnt mean your monthly chances are less. I got mira ovulation tracker I wished the docs told me about it rather than jump to ivf which may not havr been necessary they didn't mention druvs like letrozole or clomid either. Mira gives a 7 day fertility window when most devices just do 2 days and some miss the lh surge. It also has a Facebook group where people comment on your hormones and advise you about fertility. It also confirms ovulation. X