Hi ladies,
I wonder if anyone could give me any advice regarding under active thyroid/levothyroxine.
Before I started my IVF cycle they tested my thyroid and said I have a slight under active thyroid and put me on 25mg of levothyroxine. They tested me every 4 weeks during my cycle (from Jan- April) and increased me to 50mgs.
I’m so pleased to be 14 weeks pregnanct- I have been discharged from my clinic, they advised I keep up with the thyroid blood tests through my midwife. I spoke to my midwife and she said I should see the GP about it. I made an appointment with the GP and explained the situation and he said the clinic had contacted him re pregnancy but hadn’t mentioned levothyroxine. He advised I make an appointment for a blood test. I went for my bloods last week and finally got my results today. The receptionist said you thyroid test was normal and a note saying no further action. I tried to explain yes it's normal but that's cos I'm on meds if I stop it probably won’t be. she said there is no record of the meds on our system so I had to go through the whole thing with her and then she said she would message the doctor and to call in a week. I said I have 4 tablets left (the whole process from seeing my midwife has taken 3 weeks) and if I stop could be bad for the pregnancy. She moaned and groaned and said call in a few days.
Am I saying the right thing I shouldn’t suddenly stop because my thyroid test is normal? The whole process has been so confusing when it comes to the drugs.
Thanks in advance xxx