I know it’s not uncommon to have some cramps after a D & C but it’s been 4 days and I’m still on pain killers as the cramping is bad. Is this normal would you say? Anyone with experience that can advise? Thanks all
I know it’s not uncommon to have some cramps after a D & C but it’s been 4 days and I’m still on pain killers as the cramping is bad. Is this normal would you say? Anyone with experience that can advise? Thanks all
Sorry I don't have experience of this but could it be that they didn't get everything? Maybe you need to speak with the clinic as they will be able to advise.
Hope it stops soon xxx
Yes that’s exactly what I’m worried about. They said they did but not too sure what to expect. Think will pop back to the GP if it continues. Thanks x
So sorry you had to have a D&C😢 if I was you I’d contact your GP just to be on the safe side. I had very little cramping, and wasn’t in any pain from day 2 onwards, however we are all different, so it might be that you will take a little longer, just no harm in chatting to the doctors. Hope you’re being looked after lovely xx
Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s really hard as some people bleed for a while and that’s normal too (I haven’t at all). I do get bad period pains though so maybe it’s just my body. Sorry to hear that you had to go through it too xx
I haven’t had a d&c but 2 natural mc with natural I cramped before heavy bleeding and clots but as soon as it passed the cramping stopped. If you have any concerns call the EPU again. Sorry for your loss xx
Thank you for your advice x