Hi everyone.
I was 6 weeks 4 days when I started to bleed dark brown discharge. I was told to expect to miscarry so I guess it’s that.
I have another appointment with them tomorrow (a week after they told me I should expect to lose it) and I think I will ask for a d&c. I’m struggling to move on from this as I’m faced with the pains and the discharge/blood on a daily basis. as bad as it sounds I just want it physically gone so I can accept it and move on.
Is that a viable reason to choose this method? Will they let me have it?
My GP has been lovely and signed me off for a whole of 3 weeks. I brought my letters in with me because I thought he wouldn’t believe me. Work is also being understanding.
It’s a pretty crap time right now. Thankfully I have a very supportive, loving husband who’s holding me up, and a rock solid family to lean on.