So I started stimming a week ago, it looks like my egg collection will be mid next week. I already had low iron levels and have been on tablets for over a month as my levels were at 20% (I think they should be at 40 or 50%). I've been taking one tablet twice a day of 200mg ferrous sulfate. But last week I had another blood test and it's come back that my iron levels are now even lower at and at 15%. Could this affect the quality of my eggs? Obviously iron is really important and I'm now worrying that my low levels have had an impact.
Low iron levels and egg quality - Fertility Network UK
Low iron levels and egg quality

I’m not sure that low iron impacts egg quality but could you call the clinic and have a chat to them to see what they think.
Could you increase the iron tablets after speaking to GP? I take 3 a day and have done for 10 years but I think it took a while for my levels to increase. I also take a multivitamin with iron and my levels are now fine. They’ll probably want to investigate the cause of the anaemia first though x
Thank you for your reply. I've got a scan tomorrow so will ask ask the clinic. Ive also spoken with my GP this evening and have agreed for me to take 3 a day with a view to review in 2 months x
See my reply below. Taking that much iron could be counterproductive and that's why it took so long for your iron to come up.
Hi Annie, my iron and b12 are low. My clinic did not seem too worryied they just told me to get my go To Try and regulate it . Can you ask your gp about an iron infusion or intramuscular injection. You could also pay private for this x
Liquid iron is supposed to be easier and better for absorption than tablets - you could try switching. I get a brand called spatone, you can get it in Holland and Barrett, Boots, etc. Or Floradex is ok too.
Also if you drink tea or coffee close to the time of taking the tablets absorption can be reduced. For best absorption take iron on a full stomach along with some vitamin c (piece of fruit, glass of juice, etc) these are things a nutritional ist has advised me.
Good luck!
That is an extremely high dose of iron. With iron, more is not better and if the dose is too high then your body will stop absorbing it, and/or will lock it away in your cells. The most effective dose is around 30mg/day (world health organization recommendation). Iron is essential but also toxic if you have too much, so your body cleverly manages this by a) altering your gut lining and preventing any more being absorbed and b) locks iron in your blood away inside the cells so it can't do any damage. It's important you get the iron stores measured as well as your circulating levels. Ask your doctor about it. It is possible you actually have high iron stores. I'd recommend waiting at least a week before getting tested again, and not taking any iron pills in that time. Taking too much iron also can disrupt your gut microbiota and give you constipation. It may also cause inflammation which is not good for fertility. Low iron will not make any difference to your fertility treatment so don't worry about that, it's important during pregnancy though.
So much info sorry but it's iron is an important one to get right. Pm me if you want any more info or clarification. Xx