How does the start of a miscarriage a... - Fertility Network UK

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How does the start of a miscarriage actually feel?

37 Replies

I'm 9 weeks 4 days pregnant & about 11 days ago I posted about stomach & back pains which I think was being caused by gas. Last Wednesday I started having mild cramps which I have had pretty much ever since. This morning it felt as though there was something inside my vagina ( sorry tmi I know ) . I cleaned out the suppository build up but the cramps have got worse ( moderate) & the back pain is now in the middle. I know cramping at this stage is normal but I'm so scared. My past 2 losses were missed miscarriages & the babies had been dead around 3 weeks by the time I started bleeding & I had no cramps or pain prior to my D & C's. This baby was perfect at my scan 13 days ago. I'm having a scan tomorrow morning & in my head thinking maybe I should fear the worst. Has anyone had a miscarriage feeling this way? Sorry to post my worries again but this baby really is my last chance. Xx

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37 Replies
Autumnmoon profile image

Have you spoken to anyone I think you should go to the early pregnancy unit for them to check you I really hope all is well but I think you need to be seen x

in reply to Autumnmoon

I called the EPU on Friday but they said its normal as I'm not bleeding but agreed to scan me tomorrow. I just have a gut feeling its not normal now. Hope I'm wrong but believe we know our bodies xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

Awwwww hun. I'm praying everything is OK. Maybe your experiencing this as your using progesterone and the placenta is starting to take place also. I remember getting lots of back pain hun around 8-10 weeks. I really hope your scan offers reassurance tomorrow lovely. Thinking of you 💝😘💝

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you so much for replying, it's appreciated. Diane said about the progesterone but my clinic told me I can stop it at 10 weeks. I'm not glad you had back pain obviously but I'm glad you did & your pregnancy is going well. Hearing that does help slightly xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I still get back pain now hun.

See what your scan says tomorrow hun, I hope all is do u feel about stopping the progesterone?


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I'm scared about stopping the progesterone to be honest. Was never taking it at all with my losses so stopping it does worry me. I'm also on injections for my blood clotting issues & am scared of stopping that too xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Can u not ask them to prescribe more and you'll pay till 12-13 weeks also ask about the injections or take asprin that may help it's not fair to feel that these things are helping then to just stop, I would be very worried too. Speak to them even if they offer you some reassurance or asl them if you could start weaning yourself off till u reach 12 13 weeks.


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I actually have enough progesterone to take me up to 12 weeks so I could wean myself off. My clinic was abroad & they are brilliant, it was the EPU who said oh we tend to stop everyone's injections at 12 weeks. I'm waiting to see a consultant at my local hospital as I'm suspected of having a blood vessel disorder called HHT so don't know if they will help. It's just NHS waiting times, as you know! xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Oh that's good, yes just wean yourself off hun, you'll feel so much better doing it that way, oh so your consultant may decide you continue taking them. I know NHS times really take the Mick. It's quite frustrating I'm still waiting for my kidneyscan if no app comes this week I'll be getting a private one.

What times your scan tomorrow?


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

That's terrible you still don't have an appointment for the kidney scan, its been weeks. Really not good enough! My scan is at 9 which is good. I just hate the EPU as you have to walk past the delivery suite then sit waiting with loads of happy pregnant women. It's the same everywhere I know but not good when your worried xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I know. Its been just over two week but I feels like ages when your worrying and experiencing pain.

I know what you mean system really needs to change, I'll be looking out for your update hun really rooting for you,


in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you so much for all your help. Enjoy your evening 😘 xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

You too lovely.💝😘💝

Autumnmoon profile image

Hope that is the case for you I didn't mean to be negative with my answer really hoping all is wee for you x

in reply to Autumnmoon

You wasn't negative Hun, your advice is appreciated xx

Hey lovely, I’ve been having similar feeling, horrid back and tummy pain. If it was bad we’d be bleeding by now and I’ve had 3 Erpc with zero symptoms or indication of any problem following missed miscarriages. Good luck tomorrow!!! I know you’re gonna get the reassurance you need 😘 xxx

in reply to

Thanks sweetheart. I'm sorry to hear your having pain too. Like you, I've been telling myself I'd have bleeding by now but today all rational thinking has gone out the window! Thanks for being positive for me, will let you know how the scan goes xx

in reply to

All fingers and toes crossed but I honestly know everything will be ok!! 🙏🏼 We get ourselves so worked up but God knows we can’t help it. It’s so precious and we don’t want anything to go wrong. I’ve got a scan tomorrow too and no doubt i’ll be a nervous wreck as per usual xxxx

in reply to

Ah bless you, I hope all goes well with your scan. I wish we able to enjoy the pregnancy experience more but your right, these babies are beyond precious & I can't bear the thought of losing another one. I'm gonna have some paracetamol & an early night later. I'm doing my own head in big time. Let me know how your scan goes xx

in reply to

Good thinking sweetheart!! Me too 😉 Thinking of you tomorrow, i’m sure we’ll both be reassured 🙏🏼Xxx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Good luck for tomorrow lovely 💝😘💝

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you sweetie 😘xxx

Both my miscarriages started with bleeding, but I also had intense cramping. However, mine were both natural pregnancies so I didn’t have side effects from the drugs adding to the mix. I’ve had slight cramping and back ache with this pregnancy but I think it’s normal. I still get really scared by it though and have booked a private scan for next weekend to hopefully provide some reassurance as still no date for 12 week scan.

I’m glad you are getting scanned and 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 for the outcome xx

in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Hope your scan goes well Hun xx

vic77 profile image

I be thinking of you today and hoping all is well xxxx

in reply to vic77

Thank you sweetheart, I'm dreading it but at least I will know one way or the other. How are you getting on now Hun? I really hope your doing ok 😘 xx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to

I will be thinking of you and have everything crossed..I hate seeing miscarriages on here just the worst thing ever. I am ok..but nervous as first day back at work today 😢xxxx

in reply to vic77

Ah bless you. I hope your first day back at work goes well for you. Xx

emu2016 profile image

Good luck at your scan today. Be thinking of you x

in reply to emu2016

Thank you Hun, your good wishes are much appreciated xx

I had a miscarriage when i was 7 months some yrs ago without any pain, just want for my normal checkup by my doctor when he said sorry i think the baby is dead. Only after two hours i started bleeding alittle bcos i was stressed from the news. So it all depends! But just be positive dat notting is wrong whlie u see ur doc ASAP. Take care! u are bless

Cinderella5 profile image

I hope your scan goes ok, thinking of you!xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks, I'm just waiting now. Feel sick with nerves ☹ x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Oh god, I can only imagine! Hopefully they dont leave you waiting too long! Good luck.xx

I just wanted to wish you well for your scan today 🤞🏾😘x

in reply to

Thank you sweetheart. I hope your getting on ok 😘 x

Ah congratulations on today’s scan hun, great news xx

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