Sometimes you have to work at your dr... - Fertility Network UK

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Sometimes you have to work at your dreams.

emu2016 profile image
45 Replies

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Today was probably the hardest day of my cycle... I’m tired and emotional.

Working 12+ hour days, then fitting in supporting Mr Emu’s mum and family through the start of chemotherapy either side of that, having work done to the house... the day ended really badly as I had to cancel seeing my BFF before we head to Cyprus on Sunday. She was so disappointed I felt like the worst friend ever. She’s my rock through IVF and I couldn’t get to see her because everyone else has to come first right now. I know she’ll be fine; but it made me sad.

I had my scan final scan today... which was a double edged sword today as ever! A 10mm lining - described as “Wonderful” But a worry that I’m producing progesterone meaning our cycle would be cancelled if I was; just like the worry we had last time round. I think I’ve lost the energy to care today. I just want to skip to OTD. Or the beach. Thank goodness for choosing a lovely location for our treatment! 😂 Yorkshire doesn’t have as much to offer!

Tomorrow is a new day to dream; just like the picture reminded me. No one ever said this was an easy ride, eh ladies? X

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emu2016 profile image
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45 Replies
sanj76 profile image

It’s far from a easy ride for sure..... having gone through plenty of emotions during her (our time), and although our journey ended beautifully. Till this day I still pop by and see how you ladies are doing and it goes far beyond admiration for each and every one of you. I sincerely hope and pray you return with some wonderful news Emu. Wishing you the very best of luck ok

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to sanj76

Thanks Sanj. It's so lovely when you pop back and check up on us all :)

vic77 profile image

sending you so much luck and love truly are a warrior. your fab friend will totally understand. .lots of love xxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to vic77

thanks Vic xx

Good luck and remember to take time to look after you xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

had a 20 minute snooze on the train to London this morning. Twas lovely! x

Manesp profile image

Sending you massive hugs, it’s not an easy journey! Each day is a hurdle but your strong and a fighter you will get through it. Good luck! Xx😘❤️

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Manesp

Fingers crossed x

Autumnmoon profile image

You are one amazing lady that's for sure but you are very important right now take care of you and keep something back for yourself all those people you care for love you and would want you to take it just a little easy right now hoping for some good news for you x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Autumnmoon

Everything crossed x

Sending a big hug lovely ...hang in there although I know it's hard. Your BFF will understand - that's why she's your BFF! Xxxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

So true xx

MrsElbow profile image

You're absolutely right to make you a priority at the moment... and as pumpkin said, if she's your BFF, then she'll totally get it and understand... don't beat yourself up about it.

Good luck in this next bit of your journey, sending you all the best wishes in the world that it works out for you xxxxx

Your posts on here have really been a comfort to me (I'm a bit behind you in my cycle)....i was just wondering last night how you were getting on, thinking things would be coming up for you soon.

Go away to sunny climates (poor Yorkshire gets a bad rap... its been gorgeous these last couplet of days!) Try and have a wonderfully relaxing time. You're so amazing and strong to have got this far! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to MrsElbow

Where in Yorkshire are you?! We’ve not had the bestest of weather! Nice mornings, rainy afternoons. So glad I give you comfort! But I’m not sure this doom and gloom will have! x

Catlady2013 profile image

Wishing you lots of luck and sending positive vibes x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Catlady2013

Thanks catlady x

WeeMrsH profile image

Just think of that spa on Sat! Much needed and well deserved. Dream big lady, let’s dream big together cycle buddy 🤞🏼😘

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to WeeMrsH

We’re definitely in this together xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Ahhh bless you, hard time for you at the moment lovely! However, what about that fantastic lining....what the hell have you been doing diffferent?! 10mm is amazing, massive pat on the back for that! Hopefully that progesterone keeps at bay. Loving the very true! Hang on in there and think of the beach!xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5

I’m not sure I’ve done anything different... and am I totally wrong in thinking that the progesterone could overly swell my lining? x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to emu2016

Well it's a great size for your lining to be at! I couldnt say for sure to be honest but I wouldnt have thought so. I thought progesterone would be a good thing as that's what you need to maintain a pregnancy. Hopefully its all fine!xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Cinderella5

Blood tests all clear. Just me and my big lining x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to emu2016

Fabulous news!!xx

Pants... we seem to have to work harder...

Off to Cyprus on Friday so good weather and hopefully good news clinic ur using said I should have had an HSG after DE failures 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anyways good sun makes all the difference

Safe flight Sunday xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

We’ll both be in Cyprus at the same time?! Which part will you be in? xx

in reply to emu2016

Famagusta, going over to your clinic x. Leaving Sunday evening though it’s short and sweet. Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to

That’s where I’m heading! X

Asweetpea profile image

Emu sorry to hear that you had such a tough day yesterday. Sounds like you have a lot going on in your life at the moment. Your BFF will completely understand. She’s probably upset at not seeing you because she want to be supportive. She will completely understand.

I wish you the best of luck in your journey. Sounds like leaving the country for treatment is a good move for you. You can leave everything else behind for a few days and make you and the wonderful Mr Emu (who I think we are all slightly jealous of, with his baths and spas!!) top priority.

It’s so hard to do that sometimes and shut other things out, but you have to look after you. I have done this for the last few weeks and found out today that a friend of mine has had a shitty time with her ex. I felt so guilty, but she was so understanding. She understood why I had to do it. She’s over the moon as we got a bfp on Monday.

Sending you lots of love and positive vibes.x

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Asweetpea

It’ll get easier once work is out of the way too I think. It’s been so stressful x

Asweetpea profile image
Asweetpea in reply to emu2016

I found the build up to transfer quite stressful. But knew the 2WW was going to be hard so was more prepared for it and gave myself a break. Doesnt matter if things aren't done, my body is doing something far more important. So I am focusing on that. I also cleared my diary and gave myself time to relax. I am making the effort to sit down with my feet up a bit more.

Fingers crossed for

Aleelilook profile image

Thinking of you! Xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Aleelilook

Thanks you x

precioce profile image

It's such a hard journey for many of us with what seems like more downs than ups and to stay sane I have to believe that we will have our dream come true as a result of all our hard work and commitment to having our family. I wish you all the best for your treatment and enjoy the sun :) xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to precioce

Thank you. You’re totally right x

Sez73 profile image

Really feel for you, lovely lady. You are wonder woman no doubt about it. Why oh why does everything hit at once hey. Someone up there knows a tough cookie when they see one and it’s like more 💩 is thrown on them just to test out how strong they really are. It sucks.

It’s no mean fest juggling everything you have on your plate and if you feel some things need to slip a bit that is entirely understandable, you can give everyone every bit of you just now and people will understand love. Your best friend will understand, that’s what a best friend does and she’ll just be hurting for you when she sees you’re struggling to keep all the plates in the air. It’s testament to what a lovely lass you are that you feel bad for letting her down, but she’ll be there no matter what. I can understand it was sad but you’ll find time soon to catch up with her & she’ll be there for you come what may but that’s what good friends do.

What’s the scoop with the progesterone then? Did u have a blood test? What made them suggest that. Really hope it’s still full steam ahead for you and you can get yourself on to that beach ASAP. I’ll be thinking of you when I head down to a no doubt rainy Manchester to my clinic next week!!!

No one said this was easy but by god you should be very very proud of yourself for how you handle things. Love to you and Mr Emu xxxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sez73

He said “great lining, but I just want to check you’re not producing progesterone” so I’m (perhaps wrongly) thinking they are linked? I’ve not had a call though... so I’m assuming all ok. I’ll ask tomorrow.

I’ll soon be the other side of the treatment stuffing cake in my belly; of course! x

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to emu2016

Did u get any feedback on the progesterone issue? Are u good to go? In a transfer in a natural cycle that’s done 5 days after I naturally ovulate so you’d be producing progesterone then as it gets to its peak 7dpo so I’m a bit confused, maybe they just don’t want to see a rise too early in process. Hope ur ok, thinking of you xx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Sez73

all good... but see my latest post. 😂😂😂 x

Sez73 profile image
Sez73 in reply to emu2016

Glad to hear tests all ok, u and your big lining, gold star for you clever clogs🌟 all systems go!! X

Gillyc1 profile image

Oh my love, this is such a hard journey. I’m sure your bff totally understands what you have to do. Good luck in Cyprus . Keeping everything crossed xxx

emu2016 profile image
emu2016 in reply to Gillyc1

Thanks. I’ll get there. Almost time x

gattonero profile image

Rooting for you! x

Smang profile image

Sending positive vibes your way! Best of luck xxx

Minchoo profile image

You will be fine! I can feel it. Wishing you lots of luck - I hope you and Mr Emu have a gorgeous little Emu soon!! 👶🏼❤️ stay positive and lots of positive vibes your way!! Xx

Drives profile image

Your friend will totally understand. Take care of yourself 😘 x

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