Hi all,
I wondered if anyone can share their experiences or offer any advice.
My Wife and I are going through our 2nd cycle of IUI. We had to abandon our first cycle due to my Wife's follicles only reaching 11mm by CD21.
My wife has PCOS and has had both cycles injecting Gonal F. We are now CD14 and after our scan today we were told there are 2 dominant follicles 1 at 12mm and 1 at 10mm. We have been told that when we attend our next scan in 2 days time, the 12mm follicles needs to have reached at least 14mm in order for us to continue with this cycle and if this cycle is abandon we will need to move onto IVF (we are paying for the fertility treatment ourselves).
We are both feeling completely stressed out and deflated. Reading up online it appears that some people have reached CD25 before being ready for their iui, yet it feels like we have so much pressure to be ready way before that.
Has anyone else had a similar experience with slow growing follicles? I feel awful for my Wife, she was so hoping to reach the iui stage. Any advice would be hugely appreciated