What, if any, appointments did you have at the hospital once you knew your ivf round had failed? We are feeling a little let down as it feels as though the hospital have dropped us since our bad news. After my first blood test coming back with a HCG reading of between 5-50 and being told the pregnancy won't be viable by a nurse on the phone we had to go up for a repeat blood test on Monday to confirm by levels were now below 5. The nurse called at 2pm that day to confirm I wasn't pregnant (which was obvious as I told them I had a 4 day period) and I'll get a letter confirming I'm on the list for a May fet and to phone up with my May period.
I just feel a bit miffed - not once have I been asked if I want to proceed, no one has explained to me the protocol for a fet, let alone the hospital asking if I can afford the next stage of treatment.
I'll wait and see what the letter says but am I right in feeling a little annoyed that no follow up/future plan has actually been discussed with me properly?!