Hi, I just had a call from my clinic to tell me our second round hasn't been susscessful. We are doing private treatment on an NHS clinic.Our first round was in May, they collected 10 eggs, 7 fertilised, and I had a double day 5 transfer. Unfortunately, it ended up in chemical.
The second cycle was in July. 12 eggs collected, 6 fertilised, double 5 day transfer and I have just been told is a negative. For this second cycle I had to convince my consultant to increase the progesterone in case that was the reason for the chemical.
They are booking a follow up appointment for Friday, and I want to ask for some help as to what to ask. After the first cycle, she just proposed to do the same thing, as things looked as if they had worked alright. I asked to look at what was the reason for a chemical, but she said they will only look into it after 3 loses.
I can already see, she is going to tell me to try again and do the same, which to me looks like a waste of time. If the problem is the implantation, we can't possibly do the same.
Any suggestions as to what to ask for?