8 wks pregnant, 2 bleeds in a wk, ver... - Fertility Network UK

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8 wks pregnant, 2 bleeds in a wk, very scared, any advice?

18 Replies

Hi Ladies (fellow IVF warriors),

Hope you are all OK, and coping with whatever stage of the IVF process you are at. I'm 40, and 8 wks pregnant (9 wks in 2 days), from our 1st ICSI cycle. I'll try and keep this brief.

All was going fine, had my 7 wk scan last wk, and little bean looked perfect, we saw the heartbeat, and all was well. Myself, and OH were over the moon.

Monday, however, after a day of horrendous morning sickness, during which I experienced a sharp pain as I retched (not sure if that's relevant but thought I would mention it), I had a small bleed in the afternoon. It was only when I wiped, but was bright red - I was frightened. I called the GP and he said it sounded normal, but to keep an eye on it.

Tuesday, my morning sickness was better, but there was no further bleeding. Tuesday afternoon I had an email informing me I'd been dropped from one of my work contracts, it was obvious this is because I'm pregnant (whole other story). I was very stressed and upset and felt abdominal twinges straight away - again, maybe not relevant but thought it may be.

The next morning I had another bleed, enough to see it in the toilet bowl, and again bright red. I also felt like my pregnancy symptoms had eased a lot. I cried so much as I was convinced it was over. We booked a private scan, as my GP wouldn't refer me unless I was bleeding heavily and had pain (no pain either time). Scan, much to our relief, showed bean was growing well and had a strong heartbeat - though it was measuring a few days behind (but the nurse at the clinic had warned me that may happen). I called my GP surgery, and spoke to another GP who signed me off work for a week and told me to rest.

It's now Saturday and after no bleeding Thurs or Fri, I had some pink discharge today. Still no pain, and my pregnancy symptoms are all back in force, but I'm just frightened all the time. I was wondering whether anyone has had a similar situation, and all was fine? I was also wondering if anyone has any advice on how to cope with the constant fear? I feel like I'm going loopy. Thanks ladies xx

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18 Replies
vic77 profile image

I can't advise how to avoid going loopy as I am right there with you 😜I think keep those two scans with n mind all the time..you have seen your wee bean and it doing well..keep focussing on that if you can...you doing great to have got this far and f on here bleeding seems common..keep busy and calm for your baby..not easy I know,..here anytime in same position xxxx

in reply to vic77

Hello, thanks so much for your reply. How far along are you? It's such a scary time isn't it? I'm frightened every time I go to the toilet! xxxx

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to

me too. .I am 7 weeks 😯xx

in reply to vic77

Not far behind me then xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image

I'm so sorry hun for what your going through I know it's, absolute torture but reassuring baby's, heartbeat is good and still pumping, there's lots of ladies in here that have bled and been absolutely fine in you read Hidden her posts she had two big bleeds and now she has her little gorgeous girl. Try take reassurance from your scans and the, fact your bleeding has eased also the, fact your symptoms, are strong hun, hang in there. When's your next scan 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thanks so much. I don't have a date for the 12 week scan yet - the GP I spoke to on Monday inferred I might not get one as we had a 7 week one at the clinic. I really hope that's not the case, I will officially lose the plot if I have to wait till 20 weeks xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

I don't think that's the case hun the 12 week scan is, a crucial scan everyone gets a 12 week and 20 week scan although they might not be bang on those dates. Maybe get a private scan for now to reassure you. I'm sure you 12 week one will be soon have you seen a midwife 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

I would have thought so too - I was shocked when the GP said that. Having said that, he did seem like he was reading out of a book, and kept repeating himself, so I wonder if pregnancy isn't his forte. The GP I spoke to Wednesday seemed a lot more clued up and even said she would have referred me for a scan - after the other GP said he wouldn't.

I had a private scan Wednesday, so wouldn't be able to have another one for at least a week anyhow. I have my first midwife meeting Tuesday, to discuss tests and suchlike x

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Some gps don't know much about certain situations. Doesn't your surgery have a website explaining what each gp takes interest in,?

Oh good you see midwife in Tuesday she'll check you and get you booked for your 12 weeks one. Thinking of you hun I'm sure your just one of those ladies that have a bleed and be fine 💗🤗😘

in reply to AllWeNeedIsluv

Thank you. I'm not sure re the GP website, I'll have a look. Unfortunately they operate a triage system so you just have to speak to whichever Doctor happens to be on that day. My midwife appointment is at the childrens centre, so they won;t be examining me, but I will mention the bleeds. Thanks for all your replies xx

AllWeNeedIsluv profile image
AllWeNeedIsluv in reply to

Hope everything continues to go well hun, keep us updated 💗🤗😘

vic77 profile image

we are going to pay for an extra scan at 1pm weeks. .might be worth doing the same if you can..for reassurance xx

in reply to vic77

I only had one Wednesday, so would have to wait another week anyhow. My OH is away the following week so think I may need to wait till the 12 week, unless anything further happens (god forbid) xx

As AllWeNeedIsLuv said I had two massive bleeds so try not to panic although I know it’s hard not to. I was under the impression that whatever bleeding you have you should be referred to EPAC for a scan (I work in a GP surgery) whether it’s heavy or painful or not. I’ve got everything crossed for you and try and rest up xx

in reply to

Thank you so much. I've had no more bright red blood, but I did have a little pink spotting Saturday - though nothing since. It's such a frightening time xxx

in reply to

That’s good to hear. Fingers crossed it stays like that xx

Dreamingofbaby profile image

Bless u. Can understand it soo worrying for u. Good news re scans though so hopefully all is fine n will progress well. Is a worrying time indeed. Got my scan tomorrow n just need to know now ☺️xx

in reply to Dreamingofbaby

How did your scan go? I had another bleed today, so have another scan at the EPAC on Thursday. I really can't wait till the 12 week point so I can breath a little xx

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