11 week scan - no baby :(: In January I... - Fertility Network UK

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11 week scan - no baby :(

J3nna profile image
44 Replies

In January I had ivf fresh transfer which turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. Beginning of feb I had a bleed. Then beginning of March I had a light bleed/ spotting. I then found out I was pregnant on 28th March. Iv has no bleeding or pains since. Midwife put the March bleed down to implantation.

Went for my 11 week scan yesterday to be told there is a gestational sac but nothing else. No fetal pole, no yolk sac, nothing.

They’ve told me to take a pregnancy test in two weeks, that’s if nothing happens before hand. Any heavy bleeding I have to go to AnE.

Any experience of this? Iv never had a miscarriage or anything like this before I just dont know wat to think xx

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J3nna profile image
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44 Replies
Cmc2020 profile image

Have you taken another test or have they taken bloods to see your levels because they need to rule out an ectopic pregnancy it can be anywhere ? Some people don’t have symptoms Intill it ruptures not trying to scare you but I have had one xx

Cmc2020 profile image
Cmc2020 in reply to Cmc2020

Sorry I just realised you said there is a sac I am not sure if it would be ectopic then I thought u meant there was nothing there that’s so strange xx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Cmc2020

Yeh there’s a sac n they checked my ovaries. Very strange x

Cmc2020 profile image
Cmc2020 in reply to J3nna

It is very strange and worrying I hope your ok x

saraht23 profile image

Hi Jenna,

I had a similar situation after our cycle in January. Scan was a little earlier at 8 weeks and there was a gestational sac and a yolk sac on my scan but no visible embryo. They advised to go home and come back for a repeat scan two weeks later if no bleeding had started. The miscarriage process started for me 8 days pater. Absolutely devastating to lose it when the road to get there has been so long. They had said if bleeding didn’t start naturally they would discuss options to medically manage it after the second scan. It’s such a horrible and emotional time, I’ll be thinking of you xx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to saraht23

Thanks for replying Sarah, it’s just odd that Iv got this far and there was nothing to see and no signs of miscarriage. I’m guessing il just have to wait and see and let nature take its course x

I’m so sorry for your loss in January xx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to J3nna

Can I ask did you have any pregnancy symptoms before? I’m still feeling really nauseous and acidy (burps) x

Lots8788 profile image

I'm so sorry J3nna. We had three empty sacs and no sign anything was wrong until the scan that showed that. I ended up having medical management of miscarriage. Can they do HCG tests to see if doubling? How far gone were you on 28 March? Here if you want to talk. Lots of love to you Xx Xx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Lots8788

Aww that’s so sad! They’ve not mentioned hcg test. The clear blue digital test said 3+ weeks. So that’s why the midwife used feb 1st as last period. My bleed/spotting after was 4th March. So could of been 8 weeks or 4weeks x

Lots8788 profile image
Lots8788 in reply to J3nna

Is there any chance it could be too soon and you're not as far gone? If it's 4 weeks maybe it's too soon to see the yolk/fetal pole/embryo? i thought thats usually seen about 6 weeks from what i read. Really wishing that's the case and that it turns out positive for you. Thinking of you. keep us updated x x

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Lots8788

My last bleed/spotting was 4th March so would make me 7-8weeks so should see something on internal scan. (They did both)

Last time we had sex was 22nd March

Did you get pregnancy symptoms still? Even today I’m really acidy (burping) and have had nausea x

Lots8788 profile image
Lots8788 in reply to J3nna

Ah im sorry lovely. Yeah I did which just makes it all worse! Thinking of you xx

Im so sorry jenna. Just wanted to send some love and i hope you get through this x

So sorry about this. I don't know what to say only that I am sorry. xx

ttcemmie profile image

So sorry to hear this. Devastating news. Sending big virtual hugs and love. x

Corchi profile image

So sorry J3nna, I have never experienced this no. All of my miscarriages were chemical or 12 weeks and the 12 weeks ones I had to do a d&c. Thinking of you in this scary time and sending love 💕 and prayers

KiboXX profile image

Oh J3nna I’m so sorry to see this. Is it possible that the bleed you had in March was a period and your dates are just a lot earlier?

Sending you a big hug xxx

J3nna profile image

that was 4th March so would make me 7-8weeks so should see something on internal scan. (They did both)

Last time we had sex was 22nd March x

Lilly12255 profile image

I had a miscarriage from a natural pregnancy last year and same on the scan following the discharge. So it could be a miscarriage based on my experience

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Lilly12255

I just wish it would hurry up happen, the wait is torture! X

Sazzle18 profile image

Hi J3nna,

This happened to me two years ago and I know few people it has happened to.

It’s were the embryo has not grown but the body still thinks you are pregnant So continues to grow the placenta and sac had symptoms and positive tests everything no reason to think anything was wrong sadly my scan showed other wise I was rescanned a week later which showed the sac was starting to shrink.

Really horrible Experience and I really struggled to except the outcome I just couldn’t understand why this was happening.

If this gives you any hope it’s unlikely to happen again possible but unlikely and as my doctor told me you should go on to have other pregnancy’s without problems.

I’m now 30 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby.

Hospital should offer you support I went to see a counsellor and it really helped me to process things after.


J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Sazzle18

It’s absolute torture just waiting for summit to happen! I am constantly checking wen I go for a wee n second guessing every twinge etc!

Congratulations on you little rainbow 🌈 that’s amazing and gives me hope for the future! Thank you for taking the time to reply x

saryfairy profile image

I had this, I believe it is called a missed miscarriage. Your body still believes you are pregnant..we had an early scan because I had some mild abdo cramps and spotting. At approx 7-8 weeks. they found an empty sac. I was told to watch & wait-my dates might have been wrong etc. i then had weekly Internal scans where they measured the sac& took bloods for HCG. It grew a little but never developed. my HCG started falling and miscarriage started about week 12.. it was incomplete so I needed a D&C. The whole thing was an emotional and painful episode, sorry you’re going through this xx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to saryfairy

The normal procedure is a follow up scan but becoz of covid19 they said test in two weeks then scan if still positive. I’m hoping it will all be over by then, the waiting is torture, everytime I go for a wee n every twinge in my tummy I’m checking x

So sorry you have been through this x

Aprajita229 profile image

Hi J3nna.. What you mentioned is the symptoms of blighted ovum. This is when the embryo dissolves itself and get mixed up within the gestational sac. This happens sometimes due to hormonal factor. When the quality of egg released is not up to the mark to develop into a healthy baby then nature takes its course and do not develop the embryo. You will continue to have the pregancy symptoms as long as gestational sac is present. Bcz this produces progesterone i.e. the pregancy hormones. Don't worry nature will take its course and you will get rid of this naturally. If not then medical intervention is required. This should not go longer bcz it may create a poison for you.

I can tell this as I have faced exactly the same situation. All the best... Be strong and courageous to face any situation god puts you in.. Lots of love.

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Aprajita229

Thanks for reply, I just wish it would just happen as the waiting is just torture! X

So sorry you have been through this!

TheSeal profile image

I believe this is a missed miscarriage. I had it nearly 7 weeks ago :( it is so frustrating and depressing. I am sorry. I had all the symptoms until i actually miscarried so it was bad and hard to bear. Hope you're ok

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to TheSeal

I am so sorry for your loss! thanks for reply, I just wish it would just happen as the waiting is torture! X

Lavander29 profile image

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a tough time J3nna,

I don't have any advice for you but I wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and sending you my love.


Buisquits profile image

I'm so sorry it happened. I had a similar experience, empty sack, no yolk snack, nothing, just positive pregnancy test and usual symptoms. Just recovering from the medical management now.

It happens sometimes that the sac develops without the embryo apparently. Nobody knows why but I does. I found it very difficult to deal with it while still having full on symptoms of pregnancy.

If you have any questions I'm happy to share my experience with you.

Look after yourself. Xxx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Buisquits

Thank you for your reply, it’s absolutely heart breaking, looking at that screen n just seeing black then having to walk past all those other mum to bes sitting there waiting their turn.

I’m starting to worry about the miscarriage process now but no sign of that yet.

Still feeling pregnant, hungry all the time but nausea too n swollen stomach.

I just don’t know how to feel :(

Buisquits profile image
Buisquits in reply to J3nna

It's OK to be sad and it's OK to be confused. It helped me to think Ive lost thr pregnancy but there was no baby.

The process was not as bad as I thought I would be. I waited 2 weeks until something happens naturally. It didn't. Got pills on Thursday at 11. Got home for 1. Started bleeding at 2.30. Got bad cramps at 3and it all came out after 4. I took codeine, just on pull and that was enough. And a hot water bottle. I had worse periods than that. The heavy bleeding stopped the next day and Ive been spotting ever since.

I still get upset. Its OK to be sad❤️

Corchi profile image

How are you feeling ? 💕💕💕

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Corchi

I’m ok, just really disappointed 😔 odd cramping but no bleed as yet x

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to J3nna

I understand.... did they tell you you would have a normal mc even though no embryo? Thinking of you. If you find buscopan take that for cramps helps a lot and magnesium xxx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Corchi

Thanks, they didn’t really go into it or if they did I was too in shock to take it in. They just said they expected me to bleed and if nothing they’d like me to do a home test in 2weeks n if still positive rescan then.

Iv started with Browness wen I wipe now so think it’s the start 😔

How r u doing, I see your having a rough time at the minute? X

Corchi profile image
Corchi in reply to J3nna

Yes I’ve been better. Hang in there sweety xxx

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to Corchi

You take care of yourself 2! Xx

That’s a blighted ovum were there’s a gestational sac but no Baby. I’ve had 2 I had no signs of mc until 12w I had 1 natural mc and a MVA surgical procedure. With one pregnancy they couldn’t find a yolk sac which is the size of a poppy seed thought it could be ectopic but after a good long scan hunt it was in the sac just very small they also are suppose to scan you 2w later to make sure there’s no growth before any procedures are carried out. Sorry your going through this x

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to

They said they would normally scan 2weeks later but because of the covid19, procedures have changed slightly. If I Mc in these 2 weeks I’m not sure wat next step is but if no bleed and still positive home test then il get another scan x

in reply to J3nna

I mc my 1st within the 2w but was told to still keep that scan appointment and they’d check it was all out. So don’t cancel the scan if u mc before unless you want to of course. If you haven’t mc they’ll offer medical or surgical you still don’t need to if you don’t want to.

J3nna profile image
J3nna in reply to

Ok thanks. That is the worry that it doesn’t all come away n then cause damage inside. Iv started cramping n brown wen I wipe last night n today so guess it’s the start. X

Lexigrace2017 profile image

Awh thinking u hun so so sorry sending u hugs

J3nna profile image

So I took a test today and still a strong BFP, went for a scan to be told the sac is still there after 10 days of bleeding. So have now had 4tablets to help. The sac had shrunk a few mm so fingers crossed this works x

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