Hi all. I am 8+2 wks pregnant after a previous loss last year at 7 wks. Also after many cycles of fertility treatment. It's an IVF pregnancy so we have precise dates. Struggling with anxiety throughout. Been the longest few weeks of my life so far!
We had a scan at 7+1 where measuring 7.5mm. Scan dated this at 6+5. Heartbeat seen.
I had a little brown spotting so the clinic offered us another scan 6 days later at 8 weeks where measuring 12.2mm. Scan dated this at 7+3. Heartbeat stronger.
The clinic said not to worry but I am worried about the growth being slow. I wish I could not worry but that is impossible!
Do you think the measurements from the scans sound OK? What experiences have others had with this?
Clinic have offered me another scan next week at 9 weeks+1 as well.
Thanks for any advice.