Hi lovely community. We've been dogged by issues throughout our journey ttc over the last 3 years, around every corner there seems to be another obstacle. On Monday this week I had a hysteroscopy to investigate fluid in my uterus they found on our last FET (then abandoned), and as suspected my consultant found some dense adhesions (most likely from myomectomy last year) so they have cut them away and I now have a coil in place until we are ready for the next FET. During our last round, the DR hormones had such a huge impact on me that I am 90% convinced I am going to insist on a natural FET to minimise the turmoil.
Has anyone gone from medicated to natural FET and have any advice/experiences to share? My consultant mentioned he might put me on oestrogen patches to make the sure the lining is thick enough, should I go along with that? This is our last funded round on the NHS, so am I crazy not to throw all the meds I can at the situation?! Sorry for all the questions, but I feel totally at my consultant's mercy and had my confidence in his clinic generally eroded massively over the last 6 months due to some poor patient management, so am keen to get any advice I can! Thank you thank you to anyone who replies xx