We are 12dp5dt. OTD was 24/4 with a faint positive, that afternoon I started spotting. It has been on and off since then, mostly pinkish in colour. I had a beta blood test this morning which has come back at 31. The nurse said she can’t say yet whether this is a chemical or not. Is this it? Am I out? Or is there some hope yet? They’re not retesting my bloods until Monday 😞 I’m just in pieces and can’t really function!
low HCG result - am I out?: We are 12dp... - Fertility Network UK
low HCG result - am I out?

Sending you so much love and positive vibes. ❤️❤️
Sending strength and positivity. Hope it all goes well. x
My doctor said anything above 5 is technically pregnant and 20-50 is wait and see, but the starting number doesn't really matter as you could have had a late implanter - what you want is a consistent doubling. It'll be a difficult wait for Monday but not a lot you can do unless you try private/walk-in to get them done earlier, and even then not sure whether that's possible over a weekend. Re the spotting, this can be normal or sometimes an issue with progesterone. Are you on progesterone support?
My clinic have said Monday is the earliest they can do it, I assume they don’t do bloods on a weekend. The bleeding has stopped overnight but has just started again. I’m on 4x utrogestan pessaries, I’ve tested again this morning and there is still a faint line showing. I don’t know how long it would take to disappear if it was a chemical 😞
Thank you for responding, I really appreciate it x
I've had spotting/bleeding and not and it hasn't really meant anything in terms of ultimate success, and there can be lots of different reasons for it. If you're on 4 utrogestan that's good, and for most women that would be more than enough. Possibly just something to check with your clinic and see if they can also test your progesterone so at least then you know that's not an issue (if it is, they can often add injections). On the lines, it really depends - a typical chemical may go very quickly but sometimes the body doesn't recognise it's not viable and you keep getting lines for some time. I wouldn't assume anything just yet though as things can change pretty quickly at this stage, and don't stop taking the meds as you don't know what's going on just yet x
Hi lovely, I had low and slow rising HCG which didn’t follow what they typically like to see, my first level at 10dp5dt was 54 that was on a Friday and I had to wait until the Monday too to have it re-tested and then it had only risen to 72 so was told to prepare for a miscarriage.
I am pleased to say that I am nearly 14 weeks pregnant from that cycle so we aren’t all ‘textbook’.
I didn’t have any bleeding but I just wanted to give you hope on the numbers. It’s hard to say at the moment which way it could go but I wouldn’t say you are totally out no. Try keep busy this weekend and I hope for good news for you on Monday Xx
Just thought would say im thinking of you and i know how your feeling, im currently having the same issue and the wait is pure torture, 13dp5dt mine was 94. They retested yesterday after having murders with early pregnancy unit, 1 doctor saying dont need to retest. Then on call doctor yesterday saying we do need to retest so had to go bk in. So hoping for a double or even a triple they said, but im so scared for the call this morning. They did scan me on Wednesday due to risk of eptopic and saw a sac measuring 5 weeks spot on but said it was slightly irregular on the outline and iv no idea what they mean cos they didnt explain anything to me. This was the same doctor who said bloods dont need repeating, so like you stuck in limbo and feel like i cant get excited. Why is ivf so hard lol xxxxIm wishing u all the best
Have you had a call?? Hope it was good news! I’m hearing loads about doctors disagreeing about what sounds good or not. The journey so far has been absolute torture. So hard to be positive and be excited about anything! Xx
Hi, thank you so much for asking. Yea they called me this morning its more than tripled to 708. Im in complete shock to be honest. Yea they really dont know what they are doing some of these doctor.
How r u feeling xxx
Oh wow, congratulations! Happy to hear it’s looking good!
I’m ok. Little bit numb really as stuck in limbo! I really struggle with uncertainty, it causes so much anxiety for me. Just going to try and get through each day as it comes xx
Aww bless you, to be honest even after the call im still on tenderhooks and keeping myself busy to distract myself from thinking about it. Im even still peeing on sticks to make sure the lines not fading. Its such a uncertain time isnt it, after everything we go through with ivf and then losses. Im finding it hard to shake that feeling off and so scared i will have another loss. So i really do know how your feeling, we probably wont relax till we have our little rainbows in our arms xxx Thinking of you please keep me updated xxx
Mine was at 20 on 10dp5dt and only increased to 30 odd a few days later. It was generally very low and slow to rise. The pregnancy was successful
Agree. I was totally convinced it was a chemical. I’ve had several previous pregnancies and none of them were successful and my HCG was generally always low. This pregnancy was successful and my HCG continued to rise but very slowly and on occasions did not double (as the doctors like to see).
Yes I had three very small bleeds prior to the 12 week scan.
When my hog was v low my doctor switched me from predisinone to dexmethasone. I really think this helped.
Please feel free to ask more.
Thank you for sharing! I’m still not convinced either way what’s going on. I’m still bleeding, I had a nurse call today and say to carry on with meds and see what blood test says on Monday. This is worse than TWW! X
Hi OP - I'm a bit late to this party, do you have an update?
I had my beta this morning and it's only showing 42 so I'm combing the internet for answers. I am 10dp5dt.
Thank you so much to everyone who responded on here, unfortunately the clinic called to confirm what deep down I already knew 😞💔
I’m so sorry 💔
So sorry.. this is so difficult 💘