Low hcg test positive pregnancy test. I had my blood test 9 days after transfer of day 5 blastocyst embryo. Monday was day 9 and my hcg was 28 so I have had another blood test today (Wednesday) and my hcg is 35 it’s slowly going up. Does anyone have anymore information on this?
Low hcg: Low hcg test positive... - Fertility Network UK
Low hcg

I’m on day 8 and no trace of hcg yet on home kits. But others have told me here that they had very low hcg on day 10, but it kept going up. Chin up, try to hang in there and fingers crossed embryo keeps getting stronger and stronger xx
It’s so horrible waiting I think this is the worst part of the whole thing. Iv been told from a nurse it’s good that it’s going up but then off a different nurse not to get my hopes up that il probably loose it around 8 weeks... I thought at this stage it would be either bfp or bfn good luck Chigi thanks for your reply xxx
hCG is meant to double every 48-72hrs so it is rising but maybe not quite as quickly as it could be! Are you having another blood test, that would perhaps give an indication of how things are going then. I had a low hCG on day 14 but it did go up, I did lose mine at 6 wks but that was more likely due to low progesterone levels. Good luck,its horrible being in limbo!xx
My HCG was 22 yesterday and they are retesting it on Friday. I am preparing for the worse though as I am bleeding and cramping also.
As far as I am aware it should double quite quickly. I think if day 9 was 28 I would expect day 10 or 11 to be around 50.
The rule of thumb is that they should double, but that doesn’t happen for everyone, mine increased, but never doubled and everything was fine. I was often described as “interesting” throughout my pregnancy by professionals as my little boy didn’t do anything they expected, so I was monitored continuously, I was told all sorts that I won’t scare anyone with, but he was born healthy at 8lb 4oz and not a thing wrong with him, I don’t want to give false hope, but not every pregnancy follows the rules, which I found out. The only thing that was correct in a different pregnancy is when my levels dropped, I did miscarry!!! Good luck.
Day 9 sounds very early - my clinic don't test until 13dpdt and any HCG level above 5 is acceptable at that stage. I dont think you are out yet - it could make a big jump in the next few days x