Hi Guys,
Just out for some answers. Went in for my first FET scan (this is day 16). I am doing a medicated cycle.
My lining thickness was 6,4mm and nurse has said I need to continue on the oestrogen. She didn’t increase it.
I’m booked to go in, in the next 7 days to review the lining again.
I asked if the measurement was normal at this stage and she comforted me that it is fine for now and it was not necessary to give extra patches.
So my question really is, is this level normal and is it building ok within the timeframe? How long did it take to build your lining for transfer?
She said they were aiming for 8mm. It doesn’t seem unachievable but not sure as it has taken 16 days to get to 6,4mm so not sure of the growth that can happen in next 7 days?
How long did it take any of you to go 8mm and above?
Any experiences would be great.
Just worried as usual!!