Hi everyone, I’ve just got home from what was expected to be my last scan before an FET and really hoping for some advice. My lining was 8mm (day 12 of tablets/13 of cycle) on Monday but they wanted me to go a few more days as the structure wasn’t quite right. I went back today to find the lining is down to 4mm and the cycle has been cancelled. Has anyone ever experienced this? I don’t know what has changed in the last few days and at a bit of a loss around what’s next. The scan was with a nurse today so we have to go back to see the doctor next week. But in the mean time I’m just so sad and uncertain of what this could all mean. Any thoughts much appreciated and thank you in advance xxx
Lining gone backwards - help/adcice - Fertility Network UK
Lining gone backwards - help/adcice

I had this on our second attempt, my lining was lovely, they booked me in for the pre transfer scan and it had dropped massively so that cycle got cancelled. Absolutely heartbreaking.
For our third attempt I was given max dose pills and also patches to keep my oestrogen high enough for a transfer. We did a back to back cycle so worth asking your clinic if they will let you do that. It basically means when you get your "period" and have your baseline scan you start the drugs as you did on this attempt, it means you dont have to have a break between attempts. I also think because I had essentially no break from the meds that was what helped my lining remain good.
It is absolutely devastating when that happens, I think I cried for about 3 days and felt absolutely useless for a good while even after we had started attempt 3. However keep everything crossed, we got very lucky on our third attempt and I'm currently nearly 25 weeks pregnant so will keep everything crossed for you that your lining stays thick on your next cycle and you get a positive transfer x
I was recommended back to back cycles today too so thanks a lot for your input and personal experience x
Hi, thank you so much. That’s so lovely to hear you got their in round 3. The nurse suggested I may need to take patches too so I’m just hoping they let me start again on the next cycle. I think I would find another big gap really hard. I have been desperately truing to work out what I did since Monday but just telling myself it’s unlikely to be something obvious and likely just down to fate! It is heartbreaking - I just have to stay positive and grateful that I’m in a position where I have some Frosties ready to transfer when the time is right. Thank you so much - I will def be pushing for back to back transfers x
I had this once a while back. My lining is always a bit of a bugger. I had to cancel too and I know how upsetting it can be however its probably just a case of tweaking your protocol. Hugs, it's a shit thing to happen when all geared up but you need everything to be great for those precious embryos!xx
Hey, yes I had a cycle cancelled in sept/ Oct as my lining decreased as I went along. I’m currently undergoing a second cycle and I think the same thing is happening again. It is heartbreaking so I feel for you. I think our next move might be to do a natural cycle (ie without meds). Is this an option for you do you know? X
Ah so sorry to hear it’s the second time this has happened. I’m going to see the doctor next week to get their thoughts on medication etc. I really hope that your next cycle goes well x