Any advice for late ovulation, and thin lining please?
I had a D&C in 2012 after a missed miscarriage which I believe damaged my lining. No periods for7-8 months afterwards and then always very light. I recently started having heavier, clotty periods. Paid for some tests and been told it's adenomyosis and that my lining is still thin despite heavier bleeding.
I have been trying to conceive for the last 10 months. One chemical pregnancy. Had More tests done this week and found that I produce enough follicles but as at day 14 I had not ovulated, as thefollicles were very small. She said they looked like I was on day 7/8 not day 14.
I went back in day 22 and ultrasound confirmed I'd just ovulated. Day 21 progesterone was 30.1 which confirms ovulation too. But my lining is apparently way too thin. 7-8mm on day 14. 10mm on day 22.
She said I may need something like ivf.
not sure if that's correct? Xx