Getting very fed up and low - Fertility Network UK

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Getting very fed up and low

14 Replies

After finding out today that my first round of clomid hasn't worked I have been in floods of tears all day my eyes are puffy. I decided to ring my clinic to see where we are on the list we will now not be seen until after next April when we were originally looking at February. Our clinic has been completely unhelpful and unrealistic we have always had to pester them for results and what is happening I'm now thinking of whether to go private now as mentally I cannot take anymore for another year. I am about to start my second round of clomid Tomorrow with little hope at all and I just don't want to be here anymore nothing has helped me I've tried counselling which helped for a week then I was back to where I was. My husband also feels the same way, we have run out of ideas of. How to cope each month as it just seems to be getting harder and harder to deal with. Any help with getting some hope would be great thank you! X

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14 Replies

Hi! I've not been on clomid so can't suggest anything there, but I have also just finished a first cycle of medication assisted fertility. It's crushing when we don't get pregnant first time, but please remember that the chances for any fertile getting pregnant in any one month is 20%. If the drugs are doing what they should be (assuming you mean nothing more than you didn't get pregnant on this cycle rather than the clomid caused problems) then there is a chance that it will work before April. Like you, I'm hoping to start IVF as early as possible next year, but if this medication continues to work in the meantime, I will continue to hope to get pregnant first. We had no hope before this medication as implantation was impossible, so I now see us having some hope so am taking the positives in that.

Every month we don't get pregnant in a way is a loss, so grieve a little as this month didn'

in reply to

Sorry,it posted before I could finish!

Grieve a little as this month didn't work. But remember the clomid should be giving you a better chance, and that's a really positive step forward xx

amyld1985 profile image

Hi i was on clomid for sic cycles as I was not ovulating. It took until the sixth cycle for me to respond and luckily got a bfp.

I have read online that clomid builds up in your system so hopefully will be successful after a few cycles. I started off at 50mg then increased to 100mg after first two cycles and had just got permission from assisted conception to increase to 150mg so may be worth talking about dosage levels with clinic.

It is so hard every month but try to stay positive as it can work. x

Thank you all so much for your comments they have been great support for me. I didn't realise it built up in your system this makes me feel a bit more hopeful. Yes I was thinking I could ask my clinic to increase the dose after the second cycle. Tbh I have had an awful lot going on this year it's been full of grief this time last year I was looking after my nan before she passed away on the 7th December, this weekend I am going to clear her home so I'm hoping this is closure but I still find it upsetting that she's not around to tell me to pull myself together she was such a strong person! Second cycle taken tonight...🤞for this cycle Xx

Kernishp profile image

Remember that Clomid can play havoc with your hormones and make you feel very down. I turned into a different person when I was taking it. I found it helpful to try to sort my feelings into "Clomid feelings" and "real feelings". At some point things will get better- try and hang on to that. Xx

in reply to Kernishp

Thank you I did think maybe it's the clomid but I have always been a bit highly strung. Thank god I've stopped crying today I feel like I can actually get on with my day. X

Daxi16 profile image

It was my second round that worked Hun so you never know! Don't lose hope that stuff builds up in your system! I was terribly deflated after first round and spent a whole weekends crying after my sisters pregnancy announcement! Never give up xxx

in reply to Daxi16

Thank you hunny, it's incredibly hard but I keep forgetting that I've got to give it time to build up in my system. I've only began to start eating again I have been totally flat for two days xxx

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to

Aw Hun you need to look after yourself! Just keep the belief that it will be your turn at some point. Your taking action and on the road to success. Just keep going and don't give up! My symptoms were a lot stronger second month and I was a lot more emotional so be prepared for that! If your not successful you still have options xx

in reply to Daxi16

Thanks it really helps when someone speaks sense to me. Where your symptoms stronger even on the same dose I'm only taking 50mg? Xx

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to

Yes same dose 50mg I didn't get any pains or anything just felt a lot more emotional and had a few melt downs. Also had night sweats. Are you taking it for unexplained or do you not currently ovulate x

in reply to Daxi16

Unexplained as far as we know however they did question if I was ovulating each month but tests ruled that out. Yes I had pains in both ovaries and night sweats really bad day and night, husband wasn't happy with me cracking the window open at night but it was the only thing that worked 😂Nothing else happened and I felt ok on them. X

Daxi16 profile image
Daxi16 in reply to

Yeah same. Unexplained for me too but it 100% did something x 2 lol 😂 you just never know Hun I didn't in a million years think it would work and I would be here now! Anything is possible xx

in reply to Daxi16

Wow two babies I hope your doing well! I'd love to have twins but would be more than happy with one. Boy or girl I don't mind as long as they are healthy. Your story has given me hope for this second cycle now thank you 😃 xx

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