I'm now nearly 10 weeks pregnant. I've been bleeding mostly brown for nearly 3 weeks now. I've been to the EPU, and I have a Sub chronic hematoma, baby was fine last Wednesday when they checked. I hoped the bleeding would lessen by now but it's not, in fact it feels like more! There's also stringy bits and spots of red coming out. I'm seriously sinking into depression, every day thinking is this the day I miscarry. I feel like I'm living on a knife edge,and I don't know if I can take it anymore. I have another scan on Wednesday, I'm desperate for it. I feel awful, I'm obsessed with checking my bleeding in the bathroom, I'm scared to go anywhere in case the bleeding gets worse. Ive lost all hope. I need some help.
3 weeks bleeding and getting fed up - Fertility Network UK
3 weeks bleeding and getting fed up

This sounds awful, so tough & so stressful for you. I hope the bleeding stops soon and you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy xx
Hang in there it will get better. I had bleeding from 6 weeks til about 10/11 weeks and it was awful and worrying. I ended up having a scan at 6,7,8,10 weeks and then the 12 week one. It felt like my life revolved around waiting for those scans but thankfully everything was fine and the bleeding did eventually stop.
Hope it starts easing off for you soon xx

I hope so. I hate hate hate the bleeding. I pray to god that my baby will stick in there.
I’m keeping everything crossed for you 🤞🏻 xx
It sounds like a rough time. However a women I know had the same thing and baby was born healthy and on time no complications- however she did bleed for 4 months. I hope yours calms down asap x
I can imagine how you feel.. Good luck for your next scan. It will all be worth it in the end, just keep telling yourself that xx
I hate saying it but this is the worst thing me and my fiancé have ever been through. I am loosing my mind with worry. We have desperately wanted this baby for so long, and now we’re thinking why? It’s like prolonged mental torture. I can’t take it. I was exited, but since the bleeding all joy has gone from my life. I wanted to do yoga and running, but I’m too scared to leave the house more than 30 min in case the blood changes. And I’m scared to be on my feet, I’m scared to lift anything, I’m scared and terrified all the time. I feel like I’ve been having a miscarriage for 3 weeks. It’s horrendous. I’m so sorry, because I should be grateful that we conceived. But I never expected this amount of fear. I feel like I’m waiting for the inevitable and it’s killinh me. I don’t know where to turn
So sorry this is happening to you and is spoiling your happiness I can only imagine your fear but can totally understand it hope everything settles down very soon and all goes well for you x
What an absolute nightmare, my heart goes out to you. It is so hard but you must really try to stay calm and think as positively as you can. I know that feels literally impossible but (and I know this sounds cliche because the fear of miscarrying is AWFUL and believe me, I’ve been there) there is honestly no point in worrying, as it won’t change anything. Try to remember: You’re in good hands, the hospital knows what you’re going through and you’re being seen as regularly as you can be. But I know the blood is scary and the anxiety is crippling so I really feel for you. Have you tried any meditation apps or just some gentle yoga and breathing exercises? That really helps quieten my mind when it is whirring with anxiety. Thinking of you lots, let us know how you get on xx
I had the same and then it just stopped at 12 weeks and scan couldn’t see the hematoma anymore but I was a mess when it was happening so totally understand. I’d cancel everything and just rest and do as little as possible every time it happened as I was convinced it would go wrong. Hope it eases up soon for you xx
I'm sorry you're going through this - it's so stressful. I was diagnosed with a hematoma at around 8 weeks and bled on and off till about 12 weeks (sometimes red, sometimes brown and sometimes clots!). I remember my heart sinking every time I went to the loo and saw more blood. It was horrible but now I'm 29 weeks along and have almost forgotten all the scary bleeds and emergency scans from the beginning. Good luck! xxx
I feel for you so much :(. I've been there, and the anxiety and fear is all-consuming. My bleeding was from 8-11 weeks and scared the life out of me. No cause could be found really, and I just had to keep going to the hospital.
However, it did stop, and I'm now nearly 15 weeks and bean is going strong. So many ladies have bleeds, and you know the cause of yours so at least they are keeping an eye on you. Rest up and try and distract yourself as much as possible. I also found that talking about it really helped, as did hearing other ladies stories, so I hope hearing mine has helped a little. Sending you huge hugs, you WILL get through this xxx
Thank you ladies so much. It’s been a help. Today the blood is red, which is worse. It’s not gushing out, I’d say a light to medium period flow. I feel like my life has stopped these past 3 weeks. I phoned EPAU again, and they have moved my appointment forward to Monday, so at least I only have to get through Saturday and Sunday. I just hope I can find some hope, and something positive out of this.
Have you thought about getting a Doppler? It’s reassuring me loads through all my bleeding xxx
I’m bleeding red now and been getting faint cramps. I’m worrying so much. Again, we are thinking we’ve lost it. It’s a rollercoaster. I thought I was too early for a Doppler. I’m 10 weeks tomorrow. I was fine when it was brown, but now it’s red I’m freaking out. I’ve completely sunk into depression, I’ve never felt this low in mylife, and I’ve had some pretty low times.
Please don’t stress I’ve had three bright red bleeds with it!! I cramped when the red was coming out but as long as no clots you will be ok! Please keep positive I know this is a horrible time for you I know how you are feeling.
I’ve been using a Doppler since 9 weeks some people are against it as can be hard to find it sometimes xxx
Thank you lianm8. Its a comfort to know I'm not going through this alone,although I wish we weren't going though it at all.
Really don’t worry! I had a hematoma from week 6 to 10. I started spotting and then turned brown in week 6-7. Then it got bright red and really heavy and I had cramps so I was convinced I’d had a miscarriage. I was 99% certain I’d had. But fortunately everything was ok and that’s when they found the hematoma. Stay positive! I wish I had. Xx