I hope you don't mind me joining you? I have been lurking on the group for a little while and you all seem so lovely and supportive. This is my first post.
A little about me. My lovely husband and I were told that due to my husband's low sperm count we need ICSI to get pregnant. We had the diagnosis last year after a couple of years of trying. After waiting for many months (on the NHS) we finally started our round of ICSI last month, and were really excited. Then today things unravelled a bit. I'm on day 8 of my stimms and had a scan that showed a polyp has developed. The consultant said that isn't uncommon when on the stimms. However, it means my cycle has been cancelled. They are still, at this stage, planning to go ahead with EC early next week but it will be a freeze-all cycle (assuming they get something to freeze and it goes ahead). But they are also a bit worried about OHS at the moment and monitoring me with daily bloods. So I'm fearful about the EC being cancelled too. Then at some point to be determined I need to have an operation under general to get rid of the polyp before starting again. I signed the consent forms for the operation today, through floods of tears. And who knows when we will be able to start round 2 of treatment again. I'm due to turn 36 very soon, so not ancient but also at a stage where most of my friends already have multiple children (and I would dearly love more than one, too).
I know this isn't the worst set back and some of you ladies have suffered through far worse. So I feel guilty by just how devastated I feel and that I am posting this at all. But I do feel devastated. I allowed myself to think it would finally happen for us. It also feels like everything has been on hold waiting for treatment and now I have to do it all again. I don't even know how I will manage work and taking even more time off as I've had to for appointments that drag on and take up several hours in the working week. And the disappointment when it doesn't work out ...
Sorry, this has been a very long and self-indulgent post! As I said, I feel guilty feeling so low about all of this. I should be able to just pick myself up and shake myself off!!
Thanks for reading. X