So I had my egg collection this morning and although 9 were harvested, only 4 maybe 5 were good enough to fertilise and with ICSI only about 70% to make it to blastocyte stage. I am not complaining - I know there are so many ladies who don’t get this far and I am grateful, but I have had 1 failed fresh trasnfer already and without the knowledge that I probably have a few chances with frozen embies I am really worried this chance is lost too. I’m trying really hard to be positive but I am scared of how I am going to feel if the worst does happen. Anyway, thats me! I’ll be freaking out all this week if you wanna chat!
Feeling vulnerable after egg collection - Fertility Network UK
Feeling vulnerable after egg collection
I'm very sorry your feeling this way. Please try and stay positive. If you need to chat message me. Will be thinking of you and have everything crossed that tomorrow brings good news xxx
Thanks Katrina, that’s very kind. I am hoping with all I have that we get some good news tomorrow xx
I totally understand how you feel. I always do that to myself as well. Just try to remember that your mind is creating loads of ‘what if’ scenarios to help you prepare for things that probably won’t happen. I’m in my 2ww at the moment and I’ve been doing a lot of meditation as it’s the only way I can quiet my obsessive thoughts. I’m new(ish) to it but I’ve found it really helpful. I just searched YouTube for ivf meditations. Choose carefully though as some regular fertility meditations contain triggers for people who are going through infertility. X
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I have been doing Headspace each day and I agree it’s very helpful.. meditation is a great way to cope with the waiting and the reminder that there is no point worrying. It’s still very easy to get attached to a desired outcome, and I have to remember to let that go. Thank you for reminding me and good luck to you too, how long have you got before you can test?

Thanks, it’s so hard but hopefully it will all work out in the end. I can test in 7 days and each one is passing so slowly. I’m definitely calmer this cycle though, hopefully that will help. X
Hey lovely. Last cycle we got just 4 mature eggs and I was totally crushed. Felt so awful and I knew we'd have none to freeze and not enough to go to 5 days 😞. 2 fertilised well and we had them put back at 2 days. Sadly it was a bfn and a hard but valuable lesson around being kinder to myself. You and your body have done the very best you can. Hopefully you'll have at least 2 or 3 tomorrow and they'll be good embryos. Quality not quantity. Chin up. You're doing great! xx
Thank you, that’s very kind and reassuring. Fingers crossed. Good luck to you, sending you lovely vibes xxx
Hi Loopielu, I just wanted to let you know I am in the same position as you, having 2 put back today and nothing to freeze. I thought I was so much more prepared this time around but nothing can prepare for this can it! I am trying to be positive, there is nothing I can do now anyway is there! Where are you in your journey now? Have you started again?

Oh bless you. You have two to go back and that's great news!! Lots of positive thoughts now and no negativity. It's all going to be smooth and happy from here! 😊 I'm stimming at the moment - day 5 today - so now it's all just waiting to see what happens at EC and keeping it all 🤞🏻🤞🏻. Positive thoughts today lady - two little beans back where they belong and getting cosy with their mumma! Let me know how it goes xx
Thank you so much and good luck to you, keep me in the loop! Fingers crossed for you too 🤞🤞❣️
Hey lovely, dont be so hard on your self you are doing every thing you can 😊 will be thinking of you tomorrow all the best 😊💗 xx
Thank you so much, you are lovely xx