egg collection : ** only 1 fertilised... - Fertility Network UK

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egg collection

31 Replies

** only 1 fertilised 🥺

Had our egg collection this morning - wasn’t as scary as I thought! We managed 6 eggs - seems a bit low considering my age (I’m 35), AMH and the fact I had 14 follicles. Really hoping they’re mature and fertilise…we were also booked for ICSI but they said only IVF is needed 🤷🏼‍♀️

Would love to hear your success stories from 6 eggs. baby dust to everyone. X

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31 Replies
HedgehogMad profile image

Well done that's the scariest bit done! Hope you are feeling ok, I felt much better after EC, was so bloated during stims! I have read loads of stories on here about women getting only a few eggs then going on to get pregnant with one of them so there is definitely reason to stay positive! Xxx

in reply to HedgehogMad

I just feel a bit sore and bloated now, I didn’t really feel too bloated during stims and I guess that’s because I didn’t have a lot of eggs! I just pray they fertilise well - I just want two, one to transfer and one to freeze as that’s what we get on the nhs 🥺 gosh it’s such an anxious time isn’t it!!!! In a way I wish they did ICSI as at least then we know they fertilise 🤷🏼‍♀️🫠 thank you and baby dust x

HedgehogMad profile image
HedgehogMad in reply to

All my fingers crossed for you 🤞 ICSI isn't a guarantee for fertilization, they must have thought the sperm was good enough for IVF 😊

in reply to HedgehogMad

only one fertilised :(

Piggypiggy82 profile image
Piggypiggy82 in reply to

Hope you’re okay. ❤️ Every cycle is different so don’t go thinking this is the best it will ever be. It’s hard when you feel things start so positively and then don’t meet your expectations, but you’ll be better prepared if you need to do it again. 💪🏼 For our second cycle, things started off significantly worse than the first cycle, and ended up being much better by day 5!! Fingers crossed for the little guy that fertilised, but they say the first cycle is diagnostic in itself so you’ll have given the consultant something to work with here.

Ask a million questions and try not to be too disheartened. This is just the first cycle and you may well get your BFP. 💪🏼💪🏼

in reply to Piggypiggy82

thank you so much piggypiggy, we both just cried for hours - and need to keep doing these bloody progesterone capsules in the hope this little one makes it to day 5. I feel broken, empty, hopeless - everything. And I know it’s just the beginning. 💔

Piggypiggy82 profile image
Piggypiggy82 in reply to

Aww, darling. Been there - I promise. Sobbing-on-my-partner-in-the-middle-of-the-night-type despair after getting our first day 5 results (we had “v poor blastocyst conversion” according to my notes - cheers then!), and that cycle ended in a chemical, but even with all that, THIS time hasn’t been so distressing. You won’t feel like this forever, you’ve just had your first big kick in the nuts. You’ll bounce back and just look how far you’ve come already with the injections and stuff.

As my consultant helpfully advised AFTER 🙄 the first cycle “we should really be more up front with you at the beginning and say that IVF should be seen as a *course* of treatments”. These are all just steps along the way to the final outcome. 💪🏼💪🏼

And it only takes one!

in reply to Piggypiggy82

thank you so much and you’re right, we will get there and we just need to keep on going. I’ve already proven I can overcome so much. Let’s hope and pray for this one, and go again if needed. Xxx

Piggypiggy82 profile image
Piggypiggy82 in reply to

That’s the spirit! 💪🏼 xx

in reply to Piggypiggy82

We’ve made it to day 3. Keeping everything crossed for day 5 🥺🤞🏼

Honey328 profile image
Honey328 in reply to

Keep going little one. You can make it!.

in reply to Honey328

thank you 🥹❤️

Piggypiggy82 profile image
Piggypiggy82 in reply to

Come on, little guy!!! 💁🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️📣📣📣

in reply to Piggypiggy82

thank you ❤️ gosh I’m praying!!!

in reply to Piggypiggy82

We got the call to call we can go in! And hopefully nothing changes between now and lunch 🥳 im a bag of nerves!!!

Piggypiggy82 profile image
Piggypiggy82 in reply to

Yesssssss! Come on!!! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

in reply to Piggypiggy82

all done! I’m just freaking out now as when I had collection they told me day of transfer I should take my progesterone morning and then 2 x hours before transfer - so I did pessaries, and the nurse today didn’t seem to think that was right - now I’m so anxious 😿 oh well.

Honey328 profile image
Honey328 in reply to

An amazing news ! Baby is strong like his mummy. I hope on Wednesday it's gonna be my turn . Two days different between our transfers , by the way hello to You.

in reply to Honey328

thank you 🥰 it was a 5B but went smoothly so now we pray. I have my fingers crossed for you, keep me posted, come on guys 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Honey328 profile image
Honey328 in reply to

Happy to hear that , just rest mama.

in reply to Honey328


HedgehogMad profile image
HedgehogMad in reply to

Oh love I'm so sorry to read this. You have one though and you only need one good embryo, fingers crossed it makes it 🤞 if not, it doesn't mean the next cycle won't work, often first cycle is a trial and they will probably tweak things for next time. Sending lots of love and hugs, this journey is so horrible xxx

in reply to HedgehogMad

thank you so much 🥺 think I’m just feeling an overwhelming feeling of disappointment and sadness - but also know so many women go through this multiple times and it’s simply part of the ‘journey’.

Praying for this one embryo ❤️ she did say it fertilised ‘normally’ I don’t know how promising that is, but I can only hope xxx

6 eggs I don’t think is too bad. There are those that get less as someone says below and they got pregnant. From 10 eggs I ended up with 3 good grade embryos. You could end up with similar. We were also booked for icsi but it’s better when you don’t need it. The sperm is good enough if they did ivf which has a higher chance of fertilisation because it’s more natural selection based

in reply to Positivechangeplease

thank you positivechange, it’s hard to not compare to those of a similar age but you’re right, it’s quality that matters. I think I had a feeling of disappointment as I had 14 follicles and expected at least 8. Will wait for the phone call today and see how we got on - finding the waiting harder than I thought. Thank you for replying 😌 x

PagingMom profile image

Hello that's still a good number but you say only 1 made it? When is your scheduled transfer? When I had my EC only 3 made it out of 11! We transferred 1 so we have 2 frozen. That 1 turned out to be our baby girl Bea who is now 2. I was 38 during that cycle. Good luck on your next steps!

in reply to PagingMom

yes 3 didn’t mature and out of the 3 left only 1 fertilised. We can only transfer at day 5 - as it’s nhs they won’t transfer a day 3 🥺

I am glad yours worked, this gives me hope ❤️

PagingMom profile image
PagingMom in reply to

All fingers crossed for you! You're lucky you are with NHS. We had to go private. We had a sperm donation in a clinic abroad.

Kitkat10 profile image

keep going 🍀 I only had 1 egg fertilise out of 3 and it became my now 1 year old baby boy. I really hope for you that is your embryo too, it really does only take one. I know how hard this is but you’re doing great, just keep going and 🍀🍀🍀 x

in reply to Kitkat10

thank you so much for sharing this story ❤️ gives me hope when I’m just falling apart x

Kitkat10 profile image

I remember how it feels, I also had to wait until day 5 and went to work as I was resigned to it not being a transfer, I felt so defeated but I was wrong. Keep going x

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