Hi all,
Egg collection today yielded 4 eggs, one of which doesn’t look amazing according to the embryologist. He’s going to call later to let us know how many they were able to inject.
He did say that if we follow the law of averages we’re likely to hope for 1 blast at this stage.
Trying to remain positive but feeling pretty deflated atm. I know it only takes one but 3 MCs & a BFN don’t fill me with confidence re. The quality of my eggs so we’d been really hoping that we’d get a few to test (PGS) so hopefully we’d end up with one that was ok to transfer.
I know there’s still hope & the 3 decent looking ones could all turn out to be ok but am just feeling a bit fed up. Hoping for the best, preparing for bad news again.
I hope everyone else that had EC today is well and got better numbers! Xxx