Hi, a huge set back for me and my dh. We attended our supposed 3rd and final scan before ec znd the consultant has said that the egg follicles are too small. It would help to know what size he was looking for. Initially there was 8 follicles located, then with additional scanning he found 10 and now todays count 7 follicles on the left ovary and 5 follicles on the right.
I am really disappointed with my body for not responding to the drugs: merional 150iu and ovaleap 300iu. I have also had 2 additional doses of zomacton 1.5ml each time but it doesn't seem to have helped.
I just want this stage over with now as I have a horrid head cold aswell which is making me feel even worse. Paying privately has left us almost broke aswell which is putting an additional strain on everything.
Has anyone had problems getting their follicles to grow and how was the problem solved?