Hi all, I am going through my first IVF (long protocol). I'm on day 9 of stimulation and so far I've managed to stay very positive and haven't really felt any side effects of the drugs. Today I went in for my scan, and the nurse didn't seem very impressed. She counted 6 follicles (all on the right side) and she said they were 'very small'. They have now increased my dose to 300 GonalF (currently 225). I have to come back in on Friday (which will be day 12 of stimulation). Does it mean I'm not responding to the drugs or is there still hope that the follicles will grow? I'm getting this horrible feeling again that my body just doesn't seem to be able to 'function' normally and can't produce the right eggs even with the help of drugs. I'm just annoyed that this managed to destroy all my positive thoughts... Sorry to rant a bit, it's just such an emotional rollercoaster!! If anybody had similar experience, I would be very grateful for your stories :)!
day9 of stimulation and follicles 'to... - Fertility Network UK
day9 of stimulation and follicles 'too small'??

I am on my 2 week wait after my first IVf. I have spent 6 years thinking my body doesn't function through failed courses of clomid and IUI and that I won't ever be able to do it and now here we are, waiting to see. So don't give up. We had loads of follicles at a good size eventually (they do that sudden growth thing overnight so don't panic if they are still small at day 9) but that only converted to 3 eggs at collection, only one of which fertlised which wasn't what we expected at all from our scans and was a bit of a nasty shocker. But they say you only need one! So I don't think you can really tell until you get to that stage. They know what they are doing so trust them and try not to panic. One day at a time and see how it goes scan by scan. Fingers crossed you'll be surprised by the growth you see in a few days time!
Hi, I had a similar experience and they increased my dose twice until the follicles grew, and it worked! I had 7 eggs collected in the end. Don't give up, like Mandy says they suddenly seem to grow overnight. Best of luck x
Hi miri-p. Dont panic!! I have just been through exactly the same. I went last friday (day 9) and my follicles weren't big enough so I went back on monday and I had 6 that were mature enough for egg collection and I go in tomorrow.
I found the whole thing a massive set back but the more you talk to people the more it puts your mind at rest because this is so common x
Try not to worry too much about it. I hope everything works out for you on your next scan. Fingers crossed for you and keep us posted how you get on xx
I was on a short protocol but I was a very slow responder to the medication. I was on 400iu gonal f in the end and it took 3 weeks to get my follicles big enough... then they collected 30 eggs (24 mature, 17 fertilised) so try to think of the positive. The slower they grow, the better quality... That's what I was told. Best of luck to you xx
Hi ladies, thank you so much for getting back to me - I feel a lot less alone now. it is always encouraging to hear that others have had similar thoughts and fears!! Today I'm feeling already better and decided to stay positive (until my daily injection a few minutes ago... somehow my pen broke and injected the whole remaining dose instead of just 300... if this didn't boost my follicles, I don't know what will do it. But i'm still very worried, that this was too much... But how could I know that the pen would just break!! It's a very emotional journey. Good night :)!