Hi all, I took an early pregnancy test on Sunday at 8dp5dt and got a strong pregnancy line and took a second test immediately after, photo attached. On Monday, I took a test in the morning, the line was lighter and hasn't changed much since other than a slightly darker line today, Wednesday, 11dp5dt. I've never tested positive and was over the moon on Sunday but the anxiety set in when I took my second test on Monday. The line was quite dark on day 8, almost too dark I felt for day 8; is it possible there was some hCG left over from the trigger shot (Ovitrelle 250 micrograms)? What are your thoughts on this progression, should I be worried? The control line was also a lot darker on day 8, is this something to consider? I also took a Clearblue digital yesterday, 10dp5dt, and got a pregnant result with 1-2 weeks (1-2 weeks on Clearblue means 3-4 weeks pregnant and HCG level is between 10 and 500.) My clinic don't offer hCG blood testing anymore and told me to test one last time on Friday and if positive to stop testing until my scan on the 22nd. Any thoughts, whether negative or positive, is much appreciated!
*Sensitive* Anxious about line progre... - Fertility Network UK
*Sensitive* Anxious about line progression with frer! IVF fresh cycle

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I’m definitely not an expert as I haven’t yet got to the testing point (still a few days to go for me) but I think I’d actually be quite happy with that... I know the lines don’t look like they’re getting loads darker but they are getting more and more similar to the control line to the point where they’re almost the same on the most recent test. If your most recent test was your first test I think you’d have found it more reassuring as you wouldn’t have the very dark control line to compare it to. And it’s still a little early so there’s time for it to even get darker than the control line! I’d try and hold off for a couple of days so you have a full 48 hours for comparison. Congratulations
Thanks Goldie, If I had waited until official test day which was actually today (had originally thought it was Tuesday until i called my clinic with results yesterday), I would be ecstatic now!! I wish I hadn't tested early, I really want to feel positive, I think I'm just in protection mode now, cautiously optimistic. Wishing you the best of luck with your FET, I see you recently transferred. ✨
Thank you, I completely know what you mean - I would be the same. My official testing day is 13 days after transfer which seems a little excessive, I’m going to aim for doing a test at 10 days I think as I’m not sure I’ll manage more than that! Wishing you lots of luck for friday’s test and try and enjoy the moment as much as you can x
Congratulations you are pregnant!! These are very good lines. Perhaps your urine was not very diluted on the 8th thats why the strong line. Xx
Congratulations 🥰
Thanks you! I was reading your profile, have you had your egg collection? Hope everything is going brilliantly! ✨
Yes, had my EC. We got two lovely embryos that made it till day 5, one was transferred 4 days ago and one was frozen 🤞🤞🥰 Thank you!
That's super, we also had one 5 day transfer and one frozen. Wishing you the best on test day 🤞☘️
Thank you - trying not to think about it, but I am failing big time 😂 Got to wait till 11th 🤞🤞 Best wishes for your scan 22nd!! 🥰
Congratulations xxxx
Thank you! Wishing you luck with yours! ✨☘️
Thank you,My OTD is on Monday 🙈
The wait is incredibly nerve wracking. I tried to focus on work and anything really but my mind was always on the outcome. Hope the next few days fly by for you x
Hi how did you get on . Did you get your little bundle xx