It’s a rather anxious time as have a positive pregnancy test and HCG levels are showing this but rising very slowly. I am now under the care of an early pregnancy unit who called today as I had bloods taken yesterday and they are now sitting at 65 and they were 49 on Thursday. They are not able to tell me what is happening as such low numbers but they can’t rule anything out either so back in for a scan and blood test on Friday this week ❤️ Is there still hope? Any advice most welcome xx
Just a little update - HCG rising but... - Fertility Network UK
Just a little update - HCG rising but very slowly so back in for scan & bloods on Friday! They need to find where this pregnancy is....
Oh bless you pet, such a worry . Sending hugs 💖💐 glad they are looking after you closely 😘😘😘😘😘
Oh it really is xx it’s such a rollercoaster 🎢 and it never stops 😘❤️😘 thank you so much xxx
I feel for you, such a nerve racking time hit you! Stay strong! Have you continued to take hpt? X
Thank you so much and I am continuing cyclogest twice a day xx it’s a rollercoaster that never stops

That’s good! Have you done a home test since your BFP, has the line stayed or got darker? X
No but a&e did one on Thursday and it’s all positive and obviously my HCG is showing positive too! They just need to find this pregnancy basically 😘😘😘

Well that’s positive! So fingers crossed all works out!
My only ivf was just last month n my first hcg was 47 then 2 days later was 13 (chemical) so at least you’re is heading in right direction. My home tests were faint n became fainter. X
I’m so sorry to hear this my lovely and this is our second round actually and we had much more positive results as actually have 3 on freeze so need to keep positive xxx how are you doing? Xx sorry again and always here if you need to talk ❤️

Well I will keep everything crossed for you!! It’s such a tough journey! Especially wen you get a positive n then more things come to bite!
Yeh we are fine, just waiting on review with consultant in 2 weeks.
Thank you so much my lovely and good luck so keep me posted and I will keep you posted too xxx sending positive vibes 🥰

Thanks, we have 1 frostie in the freezer so will try in nearer future x
Amazing news and great plan xx we actually had over a year off since the last time but would not look to do that again however my mind is changing all the time at the minute and need to see what all happens this round eek 😬 xxxx
So sorry that this is happening. I imagine all this uncertainty must be so stressful! Got everything crossed that things work out positively for you lovely. Sending big hugs ❤️ xxx
Thank you so much my lovely xx I’m remaining positive as I think I have to but I know that things can quickly change too xxx 😘🥰❤️ Really appreciate your support. How are you doing?

Yes definitely stay strong and keep thinking positively lovely. And know we are all here rooting for you xxx
I’m doing ok thanks. Good days and bad days, so just taking it one day at a time at the moment xxx
Thank you so much xx really means a lot to me and so lucky to have you all I really am!
Of course you are bound too but know that we are all here for you too if you need anything xx 😘
Stay strong lovely ❤️❤️ ive got everything crossed for a good outcome for you 🤞🏼🙏 and sending lots of love and hugs your way ❤️❤️❤️ always here for you xxx
Thank you so much my lovely and are always here for you xxx 😘❤️😘
Darling Elle, sending love & strength your way ❤️And keeping fingers and toes crossed for you! 🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻Xxx
Thank you so much my darling xxxx trying to keep positive ❤️😘❤️
Oh gosh, what a hellish time you're having just now! So horrible not knowing where you are!! Sending big
I know it’s been awful but trying to keep positive at the moment xx thanks so much my lovely 😘❤️😘 xxx
Hi Elle. Sorry that it's such an anxious time for you. I'm so glad you are being cared for. Definitely hope in there, my love. Loads. Sending lots of love and hugs. xxxx
Thank you so much my lovely xx keeping the faith and I hope you are doing good xx here if you need anything 🥰❤️🥰
Just wanna send love and good thoughts and prayers. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Xxx
Hey hun sorry you going through this I had the same situation as you twice and unfortunately it didn’t turn out good they never actually found the ectopic I did wait and see which took 2 months for hcg to come below 5 and second time metharixane I pray that you have a better outcome than me i do have my miracle baby thanks to the NHS and IVF I am eternally grateful. a lot of women have slow rising Hcg and have healthy pregnancies my fingers and toe will be crossed fir you 😘 xx
Thank you so much my lovely xxxx ❤️😘❤️
Oh I’m so sorry to hear this. You poor thing. I don’t know what to say advice wise but just sending you well wishes and love at such a tricky time xxx
Thank you very much xxx really appreciate your kind words and wishes xx 😘 I’m keeping positive until Friday
I had something similar following a transfer so had lots of blood monitoring. Then I had a massive rise and was bleeding. Clinic told me maybe it was a multiple pregnancy and I had lost one. Then I collapsed on the tube and ended up being taken to A&E where my numbers had dropped and they told me I was having a miscarriage. It sounds strange but sadly I wasn't it was an ectopic pregnancy and I lost my right tube and had emergency surgery during the night. They actually never saw anything on my scan but could tell that it was clear that there had not been a pregnancy in my womb. If you have any other symptoms call EPAU and explain don't delay as if it is similar obviously you don't want to lose a tube if it can be avoided.
Fingers crossed though everything may be fine and being under EPAU if everything is fine you get to see little one sooner. Good luck xx
Thank you so much for your message and I am so sorry to hear this xx I’m feeling real period pains today and got some red blood but only really when I wipe! I am just monitoring everything xx how are you now??
I am so sorry you are going though this - something similar happened to me - bloods on day 12 showed hcg at 208 but my clinic likes it atleast 275. Two days later it went to 308 and then two days later it fell to 280 so they stopped my progesterone and I bled out 4 days later....
it wasn’t a happy ending for me and I remember the torture I went through during that week - trying to stay positive and worrying abt whether it was an ectopic because the levels were going up but not doubling then dropping and my fourth test a week after my first test - it was at 424 so it dropped then went up again ... it was extremely confusing and I still have no idea what happened -
I am really sorry that you are in that limbo zone but try to stay positive until you know anything for sure - I read so many forums and there were many stories of people with slow rising hcg who had happy endings - sending you lots and lots of positive energy! ❤️
Thank you so so much I really appreciate it xxx ❤️😘❤️ I just have to see what happens on Friday! It is awful being in limbo! How are you now?? Xx

Not sure if this was for me but I am getting ready for my next transfer around March 11. I am freaked out but also kinda numb at this point ? This will be our third transfer and I feel like I am so scarred that I don’t want to get my hopes up- first transfer I was naive and we didn’t see a heartbeat - second transfer all I focused on was a heartbeat but ended up losing much earlier - this road is long .... not sure if it’s the right thing to do - keep low expectations or stay hopeful -
How are you doing ? Did you test again?
I must admit I think it’s a miscarriage as I passed a big clot yesterday but there was not really any blood afterwards - however again this morning it feels like my period sorry for tmi!! I have to go back on Friday for scan and bloods which I think will hopefully give me answers as I feel my body has already told me! Not sure how to feel at this moment in time! Good for you and you will be fine remember you are a warrior you can do this and it will be your time 🥰😘❤️🥰🥰🥰 thinking of you and always here if you need to talk xx

Thank you! I am so sorry abt what’s going on for you. Ya when I started to miscarry it was light flow then a clot and then light period... for the first one - second one was full on period - too early for clots in a way
Keep me posted ! Fingers crossed that things will work out ! Don’t give up yet! Always here to talk if you need xx
Thank you so much my lovely I really appreciate it 🥰🥰🥰 xxxxx honestly it’s so weird the bleeding starts in the morning and then nothing at night! It’s very intermittent but never being pregnant in my entire life I don’t know what to think!Sorry for tmi! I have had terrible mood swings too which I feel really sorry for OH. I’m just going my own head in! Xxx how are you doing?