So, a week on from my laparoscopy that was brought forward, here are my Warrior Wounds (apologies for the fat still-bloated belly π³)
The long scar is from my laparotomy apecdectomy for my appendix when I was 9. This is likely the operation that robbed me of a healthy working reproductive system.
The 3 smaller scars are from the laparoscopy last Sunday. This is the operation that robbed my of the chance to be a mother naturally.
I should hate them all, but I really really don't. This quote struck a chord 'behind every scar, there is an untold story of survival'.
If the ivf works, they'll have been worth it, if I never get my dream, at least they show I never gave up trying.
Good luck ladies with whatever stage of your journey you're at...don't give up! xx