Just had my follow up consultation after our failed cycle last week.
Going forward the consultant wants me to try the following:
1. Endrometral scratch (does this hurt?)
2. Aspirin
3. Down regulate on bruselin for 2 weeks prior to FET
4. Embryo glue (had this twice now!)
He seems to think implantation isn't taking place as I have inflammation from my endromesosis, however this is just a theory and he wants to try the above to see if it works next time. We are lucky we have 4 in the freezer, but if it dosent work twice again in the future then he wants me to have another laparoscopy to deal with the endromesosis.....I am not happy about this part as I don't want to keep having operation as I have had two now. I don't know what will happen in the future but I do know that after these frozen cycles I don't think I can go through ivf again...it's too expensive and the doctor's keep saying I'm young etc but that doesn't mean anything...I have low overian reserve for my age and I just can't go through this emotionally again. Any positive FET stroies with endromesosis would be great.
I also asked about going to warwick university to have the implantation testing done for NK cells and he was happy for me to have this done. He just wanted me to contact him with the results as they can prescribe low dose of steroids.
Another year full of hospital appointments....when will this end 😔😔😔😔