Hi lovely people-I hope everyone is as ok as can be. π
We saw our consultant today. I wasn't going to mention it as I thought it'd be a negative outcome. It went really well. He talked over my left pain and was interested what was going on. And I talked about my cycle issues -missed a period-(no I'm not preg as we aren't trying with the pain I'm in). We were given options: IVF (self funding as I have a child) or further investigations. I decided further investigations were the way forward. I am having a laparoscopy- including HSG, ovarian drilling, and to check for endometriosis .He's said he'll mend my tubes (if needs be and he can), and laser any endo if he finds any. I have signed my operation for and await for surgery date. After that we will have follow up to discuss way forward. If all goes well we may try naturally for 6 months then consider IVF. As bad as it sounds we are both hoping something is found and fixed and we have a better chance of having this long awaited baby, πΆπ»
Lots of love to everyone on this tough and long journey β€οΈ